This is the official discussion topic of the
Power & Revolution Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Super Production
2. Unlimited Popularity
3. Super Population Growth
4. God Mode
5. Unlimited Nukes
6. No Inflation
7. Unlimited Manpower
8. No Manpower Requirement
Important Notes:
Click here to view important information about these cheats.
- Activate mods, then open budget menu for country effects
- For production boost, open the Industry menu

Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
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The Power & Revolution cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 8 cheats
Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!
This trainer isn’t working for me. It cannot find the game files, even if when I press play in the WeMod app it lauches the game (With an infinite loading).
If I launch the game and then launch the trainer, it still doesn’t work
The error message is “There was a problem starting the trainer, your game version may not be compatible. You can also try again at a different point in your game”
You have the game on steam ?.
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Yes I’ve the game on Steam.
Forgot to say that I tried with and without the DLC and it still doesn’t work
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dear MrAntiFun the No Manpower Requirement cheat is not working can you please look into this thank you
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@MrAntiFun If you can take a look at this when you have a chance that would be great! 
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The cheat is mainly used to remove construction requirement for manpower, As showing in the image.
Where you having issue exactly ? .
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I have used the cheat on my self and it wasnt working:
when I turned the cheats on they dident work
I think the version is too old
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Please break-in national currency
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dear MrAntiFun the No Manpower Requirement cheat is not working can you please look into this thank you
Hello mrantifun! I am playing in the latest version of the game and both cheats that uses manpower are not working, i will put my points on the request, but it would be good if you could solve this issue. As always, thanks for the wonderful trainers!
Dear MrAntiFun, the option no manpower requirement is not working at all, could you please update the trainer, if not possible / you do not want to, could you please explain me how did you managed the pull that (no manpower requirement) off or how can i do that with cheat engine by messaging me, your guidance will be appreciated.
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I’ve forwarded these issues to the developer 
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My version is V6.32, Please provide more details on the issue, Does the cheat not activate or manpower doesn’t effect certain stuff
Cheats off
Cheats On
Yes i have 6.38 and booth manpower cheats not working
cheats no activate help my
What exacly does god mode do?
In the gaming community, god mode is another way of saying invincibility. Infinite health in other words.
So i have infinite heath as the head of state?