[Release] Black Ops Save Editor

I can’t get it to open it says:
BlackOpsSaveEditor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

so very true… but its gonna be interesting to mess with it lol

Thanks for the Editor :smiley:

Not working for me.

hmm… unlimited ammo fail… didn’t change a thing :confused:

Can anyone answer my question?

Online or offline?

Great work!!!

were it says ttg you should remove it cuzs its a xmb mod tool not ttg just saying but nice job

Of course.

Not working for me either.

Not working for me either. What could be the problem?
Thanks! :smile:

Seems all of it works besides Infinite ammo.

Also to any1 wondering Zombies aren’t affected by any mods.

Anyone banned yet from using this?

I have the same thing! Please help out

I doubt this is bannable, but there is always the risk. I’ll be online when I do this, so I’ll report any issues.

Unlimited ammo has been tested on Chapter 1, and it works. Try another checkpoint maybe.

Yeah I just did a save edit and unlimited ammo didn’t work. Was the first level.

Why is there no God mode? Also, can you use this for Zombies?

I know that everyone’s having trouble and this baby’s only in it’s testing stages but I just wanted to post on my progress with the tool. The only thing I can get to work is the clip multiplier; back speed and player speed. Unlimited ammo and all the other sliders aren’t working. I trust Unknown is all over these problems right now though. Hopefully, we’ll see an update tonight…

Everything has been tested to work. They wouldn’t be in the editor unless it has worked for unknown.

This program isn’t in its testing stages.

The only advice I can give at the moment is to try another checkpoint.

Finally! Thanks for the tool! Will be testing this out for sure.

Right when i decide to get rid of my Black Ops