Resident Evil 6 Modded

Horizon - Resident Evil 6 Mods

Here we show you what cool things are possible with the current Horizon Resident Evil 6 editor. In this video, you get to see the modified weapons and the use of a cool hidden skill called ‘Training’ that gives you great abilities.

Awesome! Makes me wanna go and get RE6!
I am looking forward to see what comes to Horizon in the next updates!

Great work!

So what abilities does Training give you? O_o
and how’d you get the infinite ammo?

Oh Stevie, stop it, you. :smiley:

It’s in the tool.

Don’t think so. That’s a skill you get when you beat all campaigns. Only 3 guns at a time, he had more then 3.
Also, he didn’t have to reload but you do “lose” ammo and have to reload even with the infinite ammo skills… That’s why I’m confused.

Yup, it’s a hidden skill in the game.

It’s called Training. You can unlock it in the Skills tab (you won’t be able to set it in the game menu), and you can set it in your skill settings tab in Horizon.

Sooo… what’s it do and how the hell did you have infinite ammo without reloading?

Edit: Editor saying “The given key was not present in the dictionary”.

Unknown finds a hidden or “unknown skill” matches his name pretty well!

Good job unknown!

There’s a bug in the editor atm, you have to select an item from the inventory listing and go up and down at least one in the tree and you should be able to save.

It gives you the infinite ammo with no reload and infinite health tablets in all of the modes. That’s what I’ve found so far, but it might have other perks.

Thanks Unknown v2… Just made my RE6 tool look like crap lol and just bought diamond for this game and Forza Horizon :smiley:

I just modded my skill points last night!
thank you!

edit: f***, its diamond :anguished:

I still don’t understand what the skill does…

It shows you what it does in the video.

Ah, I noticed that in the video but I just thought it was the modded weapon, didn’t notice the health tablets.

Damn you unknown, why you tempt me with this!?
sigh I’ll go get my credit card.

seriously though, looks sweet, devs did a good job once again.

I keep getting an error message when trying to set the training skill :confused:

See this thread:

A fix is coming soon!

PM’d you before I saw this

would you be able to mod mine here in a minute? just to add the training skill

Yes but itd be easier to do it yourself, all you have to do is go to the inventory editor and go up and down one item in the listing where it shows your items.

all I’m trying to do is get the training skill, what do you mean up and down?
I tried selecting an item, then selecting the one above it then going back down
I also tried hovering over training then using the arrow keys to go up and down, either worked.

Is this only for Diamond? I didn’t see it in the featured games on the Horizon page…?

Yes, it is Diamond only.

@icealong, I don’t know how to explain it, but send me your save file and I can mod what you want.

Okay. I’m going to buy Diamond soon, I just don’t like to auto renew payments… anyway to change that?