Resident Evil 7 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hello, the .exe is locatade in the [Drive letter were you installed the game]:\WindowsApps.

Though if i were you i would not get your hopes up that it will work with the Windows store client for the Steam trainer. Atm the only trainer that’s available is made for Steam.

You can request for a trainer to be made in the desktop app by searching for the game.

This trainer was designed for the Steam version. The Windows Store version will require a separate trainer, which you can vote for in the WeMod desktop app. Or, if you haven’t played the game too much you might be able to get a refund from Windows Store and repurchase it on Steam.

Steam trainers will not work with Windows Store games, because the game code between the two versions is different. At least I’ve never seen a Steam trainer working on a WS game in all my years of using trainers.

The current mods don’t work with the DLC and the one modder who made the Trainer currently available has retired from modding. Will there be any updated trainers for RE7 to support the full game?

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Yes stn is no longer with us here at wemod. So this will not be updated.
We will have to wait and cross our fingers for one of the other wonderful trainer devs to make another one. Mrantifun is still uploading his trainers and this mite be one right around the bend :crossed_fingers:

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Would love to see Mrantifun make a trainer for RE7, especially as a lot of people like myself will want to return to it and mess around while waiting on RE8


Mrantifun does have a lot on the table right now and the new Control DLC is right around the corner but I hope someone takes an interest in making the RE7 trainer compatible with the DLC

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Would love an update to this trainer! Can we at least have a request option?


A request option would be very much appreciated, at least that way MrAntiFun or any of the trainer makers will know it’s something in demand

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The Resident Evil 7 cheats have been updated!


  • Unlimited Items / Unlimited Ammo cheat added
  • Always Win 21 DLC cheat added
  • Reset Game Time cheat added
  • Highlight Interactable Objects cheat added

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


There seems to be an issue when it comes to facing Mia in the attic of the guest house as she appears to be invincible. I am playing on madhouse with unlimited health/items and no reload on and I unloaded easily 200-300 rounds and she would not die.

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Same here


Works fine so far, only problems I’ve encountered are that Mia and Jack in basement become also invincible when infinite health is on and in Not A Hero my ammo gets duped until inventory is full when using no reload and infinite items :smiley:

The cheat works perfectly however there are somethings that I’ve observed that requires fixing, and a few suggestions I can add.

[PROBLEM] - Activating unlimited health during certain boss fights such as Marguerette, Jack and Mia will also make them invulnerable. (i.e They won’t die unless you deactivate the cheat)

[PROBLEM] - As of writing this today, January 22, 2021, Capcom released an update for Resident Evil 7 that will disable the use of the “No Reload” cheat. The cheat will simply deactivate by itself regardless how many times you press it. I guess Capcom hotfixed it or something. Please fix this as having not to reload the gun is sometimes fun to do.

[SUGGESTION] - It would be extremely helpful if we can adjust the game time instead of it being restarted back to zero.

[SUGGESTION] - It would be nice to also add a cheat to reset the amount of times you opened the item box.

infinite health is working but not infin ammo/items for me

The Resident Evil 7 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!



Since the update, “No Reload” no longer works. It gives the activation chime every time the hotkey is pressed (instead of alternating) and no longer has an effect.

Also, “Unlimited Health” still applies both to the player and to bosses. Although I’m not sure if that’s a limitation of the game code or not.

Thanks for your continued work.

Just played this and can confirm- you can toggle it on and off, but I think this resets boss health. Any way that this can be amended? Would really like to complete this before Village comes out!

At the moment the trainers are working pretty well except the health of the bumps is still unlimited, if it can be remedied I would be happy with that.

Can also confirm this to be an issue, so I really do hope this gets fixed.