Resident Evil 7 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Just wanted to add to the confirmation that the trainer unlimited health also makes the bosses have unlimited health, you can toggle it when you’re about to die, but like a poster above said I believe this resets the boss’ health as well. Good luck with the updates! This trainer has helped me get so many achievements that I am thankful for <3

Why i cant kill bosses, also please add fast death like in old Resident Evil 7 trailer

Bosses can’t be killed.

There’s a re7 on windows now, btw. Not asking, just saying.

cant kill bosses if you have unlim health on might also be unlim ammo but unsure. -turn it off, restart cp and use unlim health “BOTTLES” in inventory. works perfectly fine for me

Unlimited health doesn’t work for Ethan Must Die, I keep getting one shotted by literally everything

Unlimited Health doesn’t work for Ethan must die…still killed by enemies

I think that’s because deaths in that game mode are more scripted events than genuine health-related. I could be wrong, but the health option works across the board (even providing many bosses with infinite health) except in this one mode.


I just want to know if there’s a method to make Infinite Ammo work, rest of cheats work fine (Infinite Health applies for bosses, but hey nothing’s perfect), but Infinite Ammo is the most wished for me.


No reload should be the same thing almost

Just noticed that in fact Infinite Ammo/Items works. Activate the cheat then OPEN THE INVENTORY SCREEN, and somehow all ammo/items will be at 100. Everytime you open the inventory all countable items will be put to 100.

It is simply just that, god I’m feeling dumb about how I didn’t noticed that the inventory screen had to be opened for that cheat to work.

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Is there anyway to add a universal item cheat? I noticed the other newer RE games have this cheat and it allows you to use any item as if it were the real key item to anything ie. using a green herb to open a door that requires a key you don’t have yet. Was hoping to make a re7 run through of seeing how far you can get with sequence breaking the game.

thank you I feel stupid now but thank you for the knowledge

unlimited health seems to work for both the boss and ethan. have to turn it off in order to fight the boss. anyway to update that?


Great cheats for the main game (aside from infinite health affecting bosses), pretty terrible and broken for the DLCs. Infinite health doesnt work in Ethan Must Die, ‘always win 21’ will ONLY win if the game is playing with a goal of 21, and there’s nothing for dealing with the timer in Jack’s 55th Birthday. This needs some work.

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I am having trouble with a game cheat. I am playing RE7. I am at the Jack Baker level where you have to defeat him with the chainsaw. I put in the unlimited health cheat. And now I cant kill him. Is this happening to anyone else? and does anyone know how long it takes to kill him with cheats on?


Yeah I can’t kill him anymore either

Please add one hit kill or mega damage please please,I can’t kill chainsaw jack broooo

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yeah ikr me too.I think they should add mega damage/one shot

Can we get an ignore hit cheat so we don’t need the infinite health that doesn’t work?