Resident Evil Village Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I can confirm that, by inserting the “dinput8.dll” file in the game installation folder (the one where the “Re8.exe” file is located, to be precise) and, starting the game through the “Wemod” screen, with the “Play” button, all the tricks work correctly.
Only a small window with the word “REFramework” appears at the top left of the screen, which can be closed manually.


The solution has been found. After the “dinput8.dll” file is dropped to the directory where RE8 is installed, run re8.exe as in the image. and then play with Wemod. have fun

I am not very good with computers, which is one reason why I love Wemod so much. That being said my computer won’t allow me to download the file. Nor would I know where to put it if I could. If anyone could give me help or advice I’d appreciate it. Please and thank you.

il te dit que c’est dangereux ? (le fichier).

I need help I have installed the trainer and the bypass but the game still crashes once it hits a loading screen… Please help me.

On normal game mode (not dlc) it is causing crash when trying to fire weapon.

Specifically the Rapid fire cheat - not using that and working ok so far.

IN DLC it works fine.

I have used the dll download, plus all the above suggested workarounds.

game will crash in first person mode

All the methods above do not work. The game doesn’t crash yet not a single code works. Never needed the file to use the cheats before but now I cant play the game without that file I guess due to the new Winters Expansion update and even using the file and methods above the codes wont work like they used to before.

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I can confirm that rapid fire sometimes crashes the game with automatic weapons

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what is the game directory?

Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE aka where re8.exe is located

Rapid Fire mod causes game to crash pretty consistently, otherwise the mods work well. Thanks!

Seems I found a temp solution. I had to frame-lock at 60 FPS, that seems to have solved the issue, for now.

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You can fins it through Steam, go to Game Settings - Manage - Browse Local Files to find game directory.

Any way to get this to work in Mercenaries? I’ve followed all the fixes in the thread and still makes me crash.

Привет, что делать если через WeMod не запускается Resident Evil Village, а когда захожу то меня выкидывает на рабочий стол?

this doesn’t work!!! either i try to launch the game from Steam or Either WeMod the game still crushes, and by crushing i mean that Steam is trying to launch it but then fails is not even opening the .exe file in the “Task Manager”. IF i delete this file from the game folder the game is opening as normal, BUT of course as soon as i activate one of the cheats the game crushes.

same mate i tried all above stuff and nothing works just crashes as soon as the menu loads pretty dispointted that would be first this site has let me down

the only time wemod has let me down come on guys fix the resident evil village cheat please

Not working again. It worked for a few days, but now it is dead.