SCUM Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I gave it 209 boosts in the update queue, you’re welcome haha!

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I just gave it 59 and then it started saying error so maybe it’s in 1st place now? Anyways, thank you so much hanson185. But I have a feeling the devs will be updating the game again here before long. Lots of bugs been reported on Steam lately caused by their last two “updates” that seemed to have broken more than they fixed. They really need to use the beta build feature on Steam so people can roll back to the previous version. But some are arguing against that suggestion saying that they are using the community for reporting bugs. My theory is that people will update to the latest version and report the bugs and then roll back to a previous version that worked better. It would certainly help to reduce the demand for new trainers all the time if we could roll back to a version of the game where the trainer worked. Anyways, thank you again mate!

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The SCUM cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Is it possible at all to increase the storage in backpacks? for those of us that love to horde loot even if it is useless. I love hoarding as much loot as I can, but due to the limited space you can’t really horde much loot unless you do 30 runs.

Hello, is it possible to explain to me step by step how to install the SCUM_Launcher because I did not understand Thank you very much for your time

still not working in multiplayer. I have installed the alternate launcher but still get the file integrity message.

I got 300 boosts left, happy to boost it more if and when needed <3

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WeMod is not for multiplayer, and the trainer will not be updated to work with multiplayer.


You’re the best! :grin: :fist_right: :fist_left:

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finally, I can continue having fun just be prepared they do have a beauty enhancement coming for male inmates since the beauty update only gave us more to work with for females.

Hey I think unlimited ammo is busted I used it to deal with one of those patrol bots involving an ak and then I picked up a revolver and no matter what I do the revolver only wants to fire bullets that aren’t loaded into it.

Everything seems to be working fine with the latest update.

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well I mean it seems if I turn it on to take down a guard bot it takes forever to deactivate all I have to do before was reload the weapon but that doesn’t seem to fix it now and the only other solution is to exit the game and reenter which causes the guardbots to respawn.

Everything seems to be working that I tried. F1, 2, 11 and F8 & 9 when I activated those. Ctrl F1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 all work fine as well.

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well the no reload acts wonky especially if i use an automatic rifle and lay into the guard bots then try deactivating any equip gun keeps the ability to not need to be reloaded till i exit and reenter the game.

The SCUM cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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MrAntiFun can you make a cheat where fishing line wont break?

Most cheats are working, but Unlimited Health and No Spread won’t stay on after 8.0 for me.

Need update. After 0.8 patch unlimited ammo dont work

The SCUM cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements