Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I’ll mention it :slightly_smiling_face:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Assassin’s Creed Origins Cheats and Trainer for Steam


Please look at this game as there is now a multi-player option following an update which means the original cheats no longer work. Thank you

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I have noticed alot of trainers are no longer working anymore.Can this get an update???

The game received an update on the 4th March, which may have caused the trainer to break and also be in need of an update. I’m sure the awesome @REPPiN will look into this when he has a chance. But please be patient, he likely has a few other things to do before he can look at this. :slight_smile:

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Também estou aguardando esta atualização. Obrigado.

Please use English on here so we can help you better. Thanks :+1:

Unlimited Stamina, Health and invisble all work. Unlimited Ammo, Grenades and no reload do not.

Did I miss something? I disabled EAC.

Yes. You missed this post just slightly above yours: Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Cheats and Trainer for Steam - #106 by Ravenfyre

Actually, I didn’t miss that. I was making sure that I wasn’t the problem with why the cheats weren’t working before asking him to spend his time updating this trainer.

I got it too work Instead of creating the shorcut, I just went on steam and put the “-eac_launcher” in the launch options, in properties window.

Does putting the command in the launch option still work? I tried to get it to work and no dice. Did you have to do anything special? I literally tried every combo I could think of and running the shortcut now creates… issues with the game recognizing my PS4 controller, but running it normally does not.

game works normally everything seems ok but when i want to ON any of the cheats them just go off like 1 sec after please help

First the game trainer needs this bypass

It’s not for online use and is your game from steam store ?

ok so most of cheats work but not theese from stats…ive do the eac but im have a trouble.i cant add -eac_launcher to shortcut and i dunno what to do…here have a ss its in polish just translate

Hey, the cheats only run with the 64bit, but i download the game from Steam is 32bit, is there any i can do to fix this problem?

The game was never made in 32 bit so that isn’t possible.

This is likely the solution to the issue that you’re having: 32 bit and 64 bit

Has the trainer been updated yet? If so mine isn’t working. I’m getting it to work but when I activate cheats they just don’t work in game… Like they turn on in WeMod but nothing happens in game. This is all of the cheats. I’ve tried each of them. Another weird thing is when I turn the game off WeMod still says “Playing…” and the cheats remain on as if the game is still running.

I saw the comment above where the trainer needed to be updated with the game. I also saw that was a while back and was just wondering if that ever came to fruition. If it did, I need more help. Lol