StarCraft II Cheats and Trainer

Trainer not working. Please update for v

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You need to request an update correctly via the WeMod desktop app. Requests posted here in the forum are not counted.

This link explains how: How do I request an update for games? - WeMod Support

Other handy related links:

Thread will be locked until an update is released, to prevent spam pushing this post out of view.


The StarCraft II cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Thanks for the update. Any chance of adding credits and Zerg & Protoss research points in the Wings of Liberty Campaign? The same effect of the “whysoserious” and “horadriccube” cheat without having the achievements disabled. Thanks again for the update.

Thanks a lot MAF!!!

MAF youre the realest!

Does anybody has performance decrease with this? Normally I have 60-50 fps when playing but once I click “play” in wemod I get 30 fps or less. I tried to disable antivirus, any other background processes and reduce any settings that affect CPU to minumun but didn’t improve anything

My cheats haven’t been working today, they were just fine yesterday, update this trainer. I’ve encountered so many errors with this… please just update the trainer. It keeps frequently breaking and there isn’t another trainer.

If they worked yesterday we sure didnt do anything today to make them not work today .
Was updated 18 days ago was there a game update since then ?

Found out that they work in campaign, but not when testing current in-dev maps when offline using SC2 editor.

Thanks for the (Almost lol) instant response.

Beta or experimental versions are not supported by trainers. They would require a completely separate trainer for each beta or experimental test, which is not economical to make since beta/experimental versions are temporary. The point of beta/experimental is to help the devs identify issues and bugs in the game, which is a tad difficult to do when you’re cheating. :slight_smile:

What I meant by in-dev maps are maps that I started up from the SC2 editor.
Sorry if I got that wrong.

A post was split to a new topic: Starcraft II

Hello, I was wondering what kind of game modes I can use the trainer with without getting banned, I know I can play the campaign but what about versus mode against A.I?

This will only work for the campaign.

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the game just updated and I have the latest version yet the mods with deactivate on their own.

Not working by 2020-11-04 while SCII update to 5.0.4.

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After update, Trainer is still not working. Options deactivate short after activation.

Tested in Campaign

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