StarCraft II Cheats and Trainer

Please Update!! Does not work after recent patch!


The game uses a different exe after updating so the exe location in app must be changed .

If you attached a previous game exe with app it won’t work and you have to remove it and reattach it,
Current game exe is located at “StarCraft II\Versions\Base76052\SC2_x64.exe” , We are working on auto detection meanwhile this should work .


The StarCraft II cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
  • Updated notes

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Hello Dear MrAntiFun, (my) God of the Internet. the Trainer for Starcraft 2 is not Working anymore even with manually putting it in. could u maybe take a look ? i would like to spam some troops in campaign :1st_place_medal:

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See his comment 2 above yours need to change the exe again. Manually. Should work fine just updated one hour ago
Need to use a different exe from first time

i just tried that out again… but it’s “Loading” and “Loading” and then i need to retry… and more loading again ^^

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How bout starting the game first then after it’s running back out to desktop THEN click play in wemod after

Ok. We’ll have to have mr.antifun take a look as I dont play this just trying a couple things to see if it helps

okay i changed the version and it worked so still my fail after all it works perfectly fine, i’m sorry ^^ thanks to you all

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ok no problem. Things happen. Have fun !

I did everything correct but wemod in a few seconds just fails at connecting the trainer to the game though the game is running

You have to delete the old exe and and then add the brand new exe as shown like 4 posts up from mr.antfun

The Trainer Works But The frame-rate becomes so slow is this just me!

Trainer doesn’t really change game in a major way to cause frame-rate drops, Did you try without the trainer ?.

Yes But When I Activate The Trainer The Frame-rate drops

I never had an exe linked to the trainer

after 4.10.3 patch, trainer doesn’t work. (patch date 2019.sep.10)

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When shall we be expecting it to be working again, my friend?

update again^^

I have just started using the WeMod app and i’ve followed the instructions of adding the latest version .exe, loading up the game, clicking play on the app but whether i am at the main menu or in a mission if i try to turn on a cheat, it makes a ding noise but instantly turns off the cheat.