Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
This is the official discussion topic of the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Shield
3. Unlimited Jet Pack
4. Instant Ability Cooldown
5. Instant Talent Cooldown
6. Set Credit
7. Set Precious Alloys
8. Set Coluan Crystal
9. Set B-Technology
10. Set Inertron
11. Set Nth Metal
12. Set Red Talent Points
13. Set Blue Talent Points
14. Set Purple Talent Points
15. Set Gained Squad Points
16. Set Exp Multiplier
17. Reset Player Exp
18. Unlimited Ammo
19. No Reload
20. Super Firerate
21. Unlimited Grenades
22. Super Accuracy
23. No Recoil


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 02/02/2024
    Started development

  • 02/03/2024
    Released trainer with 13 cheats

  • 02/03/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/03/2024
    Instant Talent Cooldown cheat added
    Set Credit cheat added
    Set Precious Alloys cheat added
    Set Coluan Crystal cheat added
    Set B-Technology cheat added
    Set Inertron cheat added
    Set Nth Metal cheat added

  • 02/04/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/04/2024
    Set Gained Squad Points cheat added
    Set Exp Multiplier cheat added
    Reset Player Exp cheat added
    Updated notes

  • 03/29/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

  • 04/17/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

  • 07/27/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 09/29/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 10/01/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 12/19/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

  • 01/17/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/05/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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Check out all of the games WeMod supports here.


You must use a tool to disable EAC.

Download the Bypass from here:

Copy EACpass.exe to the main directory of the game Launch EACpass.exe and press on EAC Bypass button Launch the game from Steam then alt-tab and click play in WeMod once the game has loaded To restore everything back to the way it was you must have EACpass.exe in the main directory of the game, Open it and press the EAC Reset button.

I created a small video for the bypass usage:-

Only has to be done once, If the game updates you will have to do this again.


The Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 13 cheats

Thank you for the trainer, MrAntiFun :wink:

where exactly do we put the bypass ? cause i tried the unlimited ammo mod and everytime i reload : the game crash. I must reset the Bypass before using wemod once the game is launched ?

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Having trouble as well. File is in the main folder, I launch it, hit bypass, launch the game, it won’t sign in.


I cannot get this to work. Has anyone had any luck? with the bypass in the main directory pressing the eac bypass button doesn’t seem to do anything. Then loading the game through steam shows the anti cheat loading at the beginning, and activating anything in game causes an immediate crash.

I’ve put the bypass in the folder it sends you to when selecting browse local files on steam


Game crashes after following your instructions


Can confirm the game not responding when you active the cheat, for example when you active unlimited ammo and then reload gun, suddenly the game not responding.


same thing , game crash when i reload


game freezes after a few seconds


can there be a video of this process because following the instructions doesn’t work


Triggering the cheats causing the game to freeze for me similar to what others reported. I’ve noticed this now with a few different trainers for this game that try to disable anticheat.

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Ok, I believe I have gotten it to work, at least partially. I ignored the bypass as it didnt seem to do a thing. I removed it from the system after pressing the reset button, just in case. Instead, I followed these instructions: Make sure the game is NOT RUNNING, then go to this directory:


and delete all files there.

Next go to this directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat_EOS

And delete the file:


Next, you will have to TEMPORARILY disable your intenet. On Windows 11, this is easy by just clicking the icon on the bottom right of your desktop that shows the internet connection, then you can either:

Click the little blue selector that toggles WIFI on or off, or:
Just select your connection and then select DISCONNECT.

Next, RUN the game from STEAM.

Once you see that the SPLASH SCREEN for the game itself has popped up, it’s IMPORTANT that you RECONNECT your internet before the game tries to LOG YOU INTO the WB servers.

You can then activate the trainer.
I can’t tell why but it seems that after the first time I no longer need to switch off the internet and re enable it after starting the game. I’m not sure this step is 100% necessary.

Having done all of this, there are a few more things to be aware of. Certain cheats don’t like being used before a value has changed, i.e don’t use the shield cheat before losing some of your shield. the grenade option seems to crash the game if you have no grenades and then try to throw one. Also the overlay doesnt seem to play nice with the game, so alt tabbing and activating the cheats manually rather than doing so in game seems to work better.

More experimentation is needed, but I found that the unlimited ammo, health, and jet pack, as well as the no reload, super firerate, super accuracy and no recoil all seem to work if activated after a short time in game.

I can’t give any promises about how this will effect the game in the long term, as we don’t know if WB or Rocksteady will be banning people for cheating.

TLDR, Delete the files in the instructions, launch the game and then activate wemod when in game. Only activate certain cheats after the value of said cheat has changed i.e fire you gun first, then reload, then activate infinite ammo.

EDIT: The game still seems to crash at random intervals even though all cheats seem to work ok for a little while. No idea what is causing the crash, although I did note that with the infinite ammo cheat on and the infinite grenade cheat off, I still had unlimited grenades.


I was just going to edit my reply. I appear to have gotten it to work as well with a slightly different method. I similarly deleted the same files as you, but then I launched EACpass and didn’t have to take my PC offline. After doing that I was able to run the cheats fine.

EDIT: Alright playing further I’ve come into an issue. If I follow either my method or TheHaywireRogue’s method and launch cheats after a short time in game, the game freezes after a few minutes of playing. Cheats that have been tested are Unlimited Health, Unlimited Jet Pack, and Unlimited Grenades. Not sure if one of these is specifically causing the freeze or if it is all three.


I hope they add a unlimited resources and unlimited XP mod to the game.


exactly we need this

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Nice thank you…can we get xp or set level please :pray:

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Will you get banned for using a modded save on a different console?

crashes all the time