Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Cheats and Trainer for Steam

and i guess a better question would be on how to disable EAC correctly i’ve tried it a few different ways, from disabling it from steam, to uninstalling EAC, to adding a launch command in steam and as far as i know those are the only ways to disable it

this is the error i get once you get past the character customization screen with WeMod not even running.

Attach wemod after that screen?

Trainer doesn’t do anything until you actually activate some cheats. So if it crashes with wemod simply injected, something else is amiss.

It only crashes when I use the .exe that you provided. If I redownload it and only disable EAC then the game will run

Why are you using my exe if you can disable EAC yourself? All the exe does is pass a no enable eac parameter to game?

in one of your earlier posts on how to use the trainer it said to disable EAC then extract the .exe to the sword art folder and run the game from that .exe. then once the game was running to click play on wemod. i can try and see if it works once i re-enable EAC and see if that fixes the fatal error.

ok yeah i re-enabled EAC from my end. ran the game using your .exe. game loads up and once you click continue and the game tries to load your save game it immediately crashes with the same error code as last time.

is anyone else having this issue?

this is what happens when trying to use the trainer after watching your help video (thank you for that by the way)

Ugh… No clue then.

Disable EAC yourself by other methods. All the exe is doing is passing -noeac to game. Maybe your antivirus doesn’t like the exe i provided or wemod? If the problem still persists with methods below, let me know.

Torned off the easy anti cheat service, named SAOFB.exe into SAOFB_Launcher.exe and put -backup behind the launcher, can now launch the game without easy anti cheat.

Will probably have to do that each update though.

EDIT2:You can turn off EAC by right clicking the game in steam->properties->Set Launch Options add -NoEAC.

So I tried what you said. The same error still occurs. Only other thing I can think to try and to completely uninstall the game and all the DLC and reinstall just the base game and try it all over again. Unless you have something else that could be worth a shot.

Well if it crashes with wemod just attaching then it’s an issue of wemod itself not the trainer something @frank should know about. You also didn’t mention your antivirus, that might be helpful.

I don’t have any further ideas :woman_shrugging: really strange that it’s happening for you.

I’ve got Wemod as an exemption on the antivirus. And I’ve never had this issue with any other game and wemod before. But I just tried again not using the .exe or wemod and just disabling eac and it looks the trying to disable eac is what’s causing the crash. Once eac is re enabled the game works perfect again

Yeah nothing I’ve tried has worked. Once anything tries to alter the EAC the game crashes

the infinite ammo and health don’t stay active the just switch of a second after i activate them

Vote for an update. The game updated a few days after i did

that might be the issue causing the error I’m getting I’ve finally managed to get the game to run with Wemod and now I’m experiencing the same issues that @zevato is.

After reading the last 15 comments , maybe find a different game to play lol

That’s because the game updated within a few days after i updated it. I’ll need to update the trainer again. Only two cheats seem to be broken, rest of them work.