i set it to 3… and 0 unrest and 0 Ineqality, tech level is like 520 is there a max?
and yea the whole 100% thing works for the AI too…
i set it to 3… and 0 unrest and 0 Ineqality, tech level is like 520 is there a max?
and yea the whole 100% thing works for the AI too…
My bad, the changes didn’t apply properly. It should be working now.
Would it be possible to get a toggle to increase the speed of player faction research?
I’m still seeing coups happening more often than they should. Are you sure the change accured?
Yeah I still think the 100% is still being applied to AI after the 2nd change
so you want an AI 0% Toggle? >:D ha ha ha
It’s not possible for it to still be applied to the AI. It is specifically checking if the Councilor that started the mission is AI or not. So any AI mission successful on your end, cannot be due to the “Missions Always Successful” mod.
Hmmm, I’ve had it set for a while now. Its been multiple turns and I have like 95% for my support in USA and max stability. These were the conditions I had when I got coup’d before greenhouse updated and now the coups aren’t happening anymore.
I believe the fix worked, maybe conditions in your country was just good enough for them to coup.
Yes thanks for the update, if you see my message above I don’t have successful coups against me anymore so far! I greatly appreciate the activity you have on the forums btw!
Also, I know it isn’t my place to ask in this forum, but I was wondering if looking at expanding the cheats to include a quick build for fleets / habs? I think that is like the only thing not covered in the cheats and would be amazing.
thanks again for updating and being active with us
when I go to use the Set Money/Influence/Ops/Boost it just goes to change the value in Wemod to whatever my current ingame is. not staying at what I set it too
I have a question and maybe a suggestion.
Is it possible for get the “Always Mission Success” option to make it so that we always get critical success or is it already part of the cheat?
Cheats no longer seem to be working. After pressing play on wemod, the game closes after 3 seconds
edit: Even rolling the game back to the pre-patch version doenst fix it
Step 1, On main menu press play in wemod there, then load your save game,
Step 2, For a new game, start it, save it, quit it , then back to step 1,
just set one of your countries knowledge to stupid levels. i have 4 thousound research now, research like insta finishes.
Very good work, and thank you very much for making this, OP.
Onto the complaint: The GDP base +/- increment is so low as to be useless. You have to punch in manually to get any meaningful effect - and that can be a pain because the number is much longer than the field that it shows in. It needs to be moved over a few decimal places to the left, imo. When national GDP is measured in billions (even Eritrea has a GDP of around 6b in my game, and that’s the lowest I can find) or more commonly hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of billions, having the button/shortcut increase it by 1,000 is… a little small. Having it increase or decrease national GDP by, say, 1bil per tick would be much more reasonable.
It should be 1 billion per button press now.
so far having so much fun with this. only downside I have is it takes ages to increase resources when holding the button (as it only gives u 10) and have to wait a few mins before I’ve gotten enough to build a single ship
What would be a good amount to increase/decrease for each resource? I haven’t played that far into the game, so I don’t know the amounts your can earn in the game.
i would say having mainlined it for a bit, 1 bil per press is perfect. i can’t really say though, as i use 2 monitors, and run the game on borderless. so it is not a big thing to litteraly control alt and change the number.