Valheim Cheats and Trainer for Steam

God mode makes it so you don’t take any damage regardless of how much health you have. Infinite health increases your maximum health from lets say 250 health to 9999 health

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Hey there. Looks like the latest update is causing the game to crash with any trainer options active.

Might need an update.


No Crafting Requirements doesn’t seem to be working at all.

Yes, sadly trainer needs an update. only some of the options are working where others aren’t

What isn’t working? The trainer has been tested by 3 staff members and none of us had any issues. Please remember the trainer is only for singleplayer. If you’re playing in a server with others we cannot guarantee the cheats will work nor will we update them for that.

the two that i found that weren’t working ( even on single player use ), was unlimited stamina and unlimited food effect duration, i can’t be sure if other than those two weren’t working.

Durability was working just fine, unlimited items was as well

Yeah stamina wasnt working for me either, neither was food duration

If you are using certain mods then no the trainer will not work as it breaks them. If your playing without mods it does work just fine. Mods WILL break the trainer as it overrights them and manual inputs seem to work better though a pain in solo if on a server the trainer is a nono as it is…

Just to ask, why won’t they work? Previous builds worked perfectly fine with multiplayer. Just curious why you can’t make it work on multiplayer is all.

The trainer was never meant to be used online. We do not condone cheating in multiplayer especially when there is PvP involved.

Totally understand when it comes to PVP. It would be completely unfair.

To try and explain it a bit more:

  • Trainers work by injecting code into memory addresses in your PC’s RAM when a game is running from those addresses.

  • With the exception of most privately hosted servers, online games are usually running from a server hundreds of miles away from you, hence there are usually no memory addresses in your PC’s RAM to inject any trainer code into.

  • There may be a rare instance, a less than 1% chance, that some cheats may work in online game modes due to the way the game was designed by its developers (ie, partially relying on your machine’s memory addresses for certain values as opposed to entirely relying on the external server), an oversight (or laziness, or cost-cutting) entirely on the game developer’s part. This is not done purposefully by WeMod and never will be.

The trainer stopped working yesterday. We were playing on a friend’s server

The trainer is only for singleplayer and was never intended to work in multiplayer.

nwm it fixed itself, works again :smiley:

please update the Valheim game to the latest version

Hey infinite tool durability does not work for me, the rest that i use works fine tho.

Edit : For some reason this was a ones only problem it workes fine now.

Having a problem where after using the trainer, I can’t use my hammer anymore to destroy the things I’ve built. Anyone have a fix? Been like this for a few days now.

Which cheats have you used?

Unlimited Health/Stamina, No Craft Requirements, Food Duration, and Max Carrying Weight.