Voidtrain Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This is the official discussion topic of the Voidtrain Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. No Hunger
3. Unlimited Jumps
4. Super Speed
5. Unlimited Items
6. Set Selected Item
7. Boost Train Speed
8. Set Gravity
9. Set Jump Height
10. No Reload
11. No Recoil


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 05/09/2023
    Started development

  • 05/09/2023
    Released trainer with 11 cheats

  • 05/16/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 06/16/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 06/23/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 08/05/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 10/10/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 12/23/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/31/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 11/11/2024
    Super Speed cheat added

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The Voidtrain cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 11 cheats
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I’ve noticed a few issues with the trainer.

  • Unlimited Health:
    The mod works, but it applies it to enemies and the rocks that you destroy to get items as well. This cannot be disabled, even when the mod itself is disabled.

  • Boost train speed:
    When you use this, you cannot turn it off and it applies the boost to enemies as well. Restarting the game fixes this.

  • Unlimited Jump:
    When it is turned off, it still applies the jump boost.

  • Unlimited items:
    This mod does not work, items still get used.

Launching the game without mods fixes the issue, for anyone who might feel the need to re-install the game, don’t. Just close out the instance of the game that you are having issues with and launch the game through WeMod without mods. Should clear up the issues.

Doing all of the things listed previously does not change enemy health. They’re still invincible. The rocks and stuff, however, are not anymore.

I started a new game. The enemies are still super fast. It would seem that the absolute fix IS to re-install the game and not use the cheats previously listed. I don’t see an issue with using Unlimited Items, it just doesn’t seem to work though.

Edit 4: When you re-install the game, make sure you check to see if Steam sync is on. Scroll to my next comment for more instructions.

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Sorry to say. i tried out the trainer. Link8227 is right. these are the Issues i have encountered also. its going to be a issue if to fix all this stuff is to Re-install the game… its going to cause A LOT of issues with A LOT of VoidTrain Players. I KNOW the Beta Released but this trainer needs a lot of Edits in its code or something. [ i don’t code or script Myself… i dont even know how to… i’d suggest trying to edit the code or script for the trainer try to not start over unless needed. ] [ i will say this i don’t know what WeMod Uses to make trainers. i never made one before on here. i imagine its Codeing Or Scripting… ]

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Alright, so I fixed the game. What you have to do is literally delete all save files. I’m talking Steam sync and local files.

For anyone else looking to use Voidtrain mods, here are the mods to steer clear from until the developer has cleared them.

  • Unlimited Health (Game breaking, enemies inherit the unlimited health too and reloading the game does nothing.)
  • Unlimited Jumps (Not game breaking, can be fixed by restarting the game.)
  • Train boost (Restarting the game fixes train speed, but all entities are super fast, for some reason. This IS a game breaking thing. Reloading the game fixes the train, but does not fix the enemies.)
  • Unlimited Items (Just doesn’t seem to work, best to steer clear of it… Or don’t… Up to you, doesn’t seem to break the game…)
  • It would seem that No Thirst No hunger is what makes the enemies zoom around. (Turning the mod on then off fixes this. It didn’t in previous tests, but I just confirmed it)

For anyone wanting to use the Set Selected Items mod, you have to open your inventory and left click on the item that you want to use. Move the slider around then move it to whatever value you want the item set to. From there, place the item back in the inventory. If it doesn’t work, do it again. This mod DOES work, along with the other mods that are not mentioned previously.

I’m not going to discredit the developer for these mods, they do work in their own degree and the game literally just came out today. I will update this thread as I find more bugs.

When I start the modifier, it shows that my game is 32 bit and the modifier is 64 bit. How can I solve it

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Where did you buy the game from?

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Health cheat affects enemies too. And Food cheat makes enemies move around like they are on speed.

Yes this trainer need some update.

Maybe it’s my luck but i’ve managed to get enemies vulnerable again after few restarts and only using unlimited ammo, give it few tries before deleting all saves/

I found out that having “No Hunger F2” on causes enemies to be invulnerable

For those that said Unlimited Items doesn’t work, I discovered that it DOES work, but only for consumables, such as food, bandages, and armor plates. Didn’t check for ammo boxes, since No Reload gives infinite ammo, but I’d assume it works for that, too. Using stuff for crafting/building still uses materials.

Personally, I discovered that No Recoil doesn’t work. When I first tried the cheats, it turned on, but there was still recoil. When I tried on a new game, the cheat simply wouldn’t turn on at all.


can we get instant research and ignore crafting one hit kills(that works on enemies) and fix some of the cheats like other say unlimited heath also applies to enemies and such

The Voidtrain cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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What, specifically, was addressed?

uhhh. sorry? “bug fixes”? what was fixed? im still encountering the same as it was before. Unlimited health Applies to Enemys end everything someone tries to shoot.
Speed Boosted Enemys.
And Unable to turn off Train Boost.
Not much Change or Fixed… im on the steam VoidTrain. i was happy to see it updated. but when i got into the game i was hoping the issue’s were fixed so i enabled almost everything other then “No reload”. now i need to delete the files again and reinstall.

Another update. I have a feeling we may need to wait until a major update before we get a fully functional trainer for this one… they’re going to be patching like crazy to meet the expectations of the players at this point.

VoidTrain have an update “Hotfix” and some function don’t work perfectly. Npc in game when see i try turn on “No Hunger” and “No Thirst” they turn on god mode and teleport and they gave me so much damage.

This trainer definitely need some work :frowning: