Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games

Hi welcome. Please use English on here so we can help you. Thanks

I’ve addded the EAC command in Uplay, Steam and even added it into a shortcut and tried to execute the trainer through wemod based on this shortcut. However, Wemod keeps showing the message “we’re having trouble loading the cheats into your game”. What can I do?

This trainer is for the Epic Games version of the game, as the name of it suggests. Not the Uplay or Steam versions.

All cheats work but one cheat is bugged.

Unlimited health - yep this give you unlimited health but npc got immunity on bullets

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+1, you cant die, but NPC’s as well. Unless you takedown them or zap em.

The NPCs having unlimited health is a game limitation.

The devs, for some reason, seem to have coded the player and NPC health values to share the same memory address in your PC’s RAM.
I believe they may have done this so that the game’s NPCs level with the player so that the game doesn’t become too easy, but still, it is a very lazy and amateurish thing for a game designer to do. This is not an issue the trainer can resolve.

Just don’t turn the health cheat on until you need it (ie, about to die).

the Watchdog 2 Cheats dont work for me. WeMod says the Cheats are compatible with mine, but i cant load them into my game.

Did you follow the instructions to bypass the anticheat?

hay un problema tengo ya descargado el Watch dogs 2 en epicgames y cuando cuero abrirlo por la webmod, en vez de PLAY, dice FIX y al presionarlo me lleva a esta pagina, por favor ayúdenme plis.

Hi welcome to wemod, please use English on here so we can help you. Thanks

I am have the same issues as the rest. Unlimited health: I cannot die which is a good thing, but the npcs cant die either. Unlimited money does not work. I cant buy a car it does not give me the option to buy it in the dealership. Pls fix this.

Welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

As stated in other posts:

  1. Infinte health affecting NPCs is a game limitation, not a trainer issue.
    See: Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games - #17 by Ravenfyre.

  2. Buy something in a shop that you can afford already after using the money cheat.
    See: Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games - #9 by Ravenfyre.

trying to use mod for epic version of game just comes up with message tht cant be found or started, even added exe to drop box and still wont start

Did you follow the instructions to disable the anticheat?

fixed it seems game didnt instal properly, but once i got mod working if i have inf health on seems npc etc have inf health also

bruh my cheats cant connect with game (epic games)

so i try and use it it all works fine and good untill i try use unlimated money it just doesnt work im loading in from the game i am using the epic version its just the money doesnt seem to work

Welcome to the community @XPiTH3122. :slight_smile:

As previous posts in this thread say (ie - Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games - #23 by Ravenfyre) buy something after using the money cheat.

so when I hit play it never stops loading, also this might be me being dumb but in the Epic Games Launcher how do you set the launch parameters.

Question: If I use the Unlimited Money Cheat, doesn’t that mean next time I want to play Multiplayer/With Anti Cheat that the Anti Cheat detects these cheats? What would happen then? Don’t want my account to get banned because I tried out some cars in SP