Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

Cracked games will have compatibility issues with other software, such as trainers, mods and DLCs. There is no fix for this.

More information:

So…is the exe in the Bin folder or bin_plus folder? as neither one works. And I had to use F… trainer to get it playable.

To find the correct .exe easier:

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Open Task Manager.
  3. Right click the game’s process.
  4. Click Open File Location (may or may of need to click “Expand” first).
  5. The highlighted file in the window that just appeared is the .exe.
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shame but thank you

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Thanks for the tip, But the nanosecond I hit play I get the “lovable” We’re having trouble starting or finding your opened game" Which I can’t stand seeing

Thank you for the update @joegibson0.

If the executable is correct then the next thing in line that triggers that particular error is interference from antivirus programs. Add both the game and WeMod to the exceptions list in your antivirus, even if its the default Windows Defender.

If your AV has intercepted WeMod, you may need to do a re-install as it has probably deleted one of WeMod’s critical files. This thread should help, it’s a different issue but the steps are the same: Wemod failed loading the cheats into your game :slight_smile:

If your AV has intercepted a game file, you may need to verify the game files via Uplay launcher to make sure your AV didn’t delete anything.

Avast is on learning mode, and firewall says WeMod is allowed to chat through the firewall, periodic scanning with Windows Defender is off, EAC May not be installed

Avast is a very aggressive AV which tends to intercept things that are perfectly safe, even in learning mode. I have Avast too. :slight_smile:
Learning mode is no good if Avast has already learnt to block WeMod. Please follow the instructions in the link given.

And this is the ONLY Game, Watch Dogs 2 under Uplay plus that I am having the problem with.

As the name of the trainer suggests, this is designed for the Uplay version of the game, not the Uplay+ version of the game. The two are coded slightly differently, which means they will need separate trainers. This has been mentioned a few times previously in this very thread.

We currently do not have a trainer designed for the Uplay+ version. However, it is possible to vote for one.

  1. Go to your WeMod desktop app. Type the name of the game in the search bar.
  2. Click the result in the left panel.
  3. Click the Uplay+ logo.
  4. Click Vote.

That’s not how the system works, by the way. Each vote bumps it higher up the “to do” list. That’s actually not a very bad number of votes considering Uplay+ was only just launched late last year and isn’t as popular as other platforms such as Steam. Use your referral link, found in the WeMod desktop app, to encourage friends to come over and vote too.

Ps - Other people also don’t have a version that is compatible with Uplay+ currently. They also don’t have one for Origin, whereas we do. :slight_smile:

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We understand that, but you also said that 11 days ago. How large is that to do list to not have time to tweak U play trainer for U+ version?
I have “bumped” 30 times now, and it feels like it is useless. Just not enough people interested i guess.

I understand the curiosity. Currently, we’re down a dev or two due to the current health pandemic. Family and people come first. We utilize a voting system to ensure what we work on is exactly what is wanted. We also utilize it to make sure as well that we’re not making trainers that will never be used. I’ll see what we can do about this trainer seeing as it’s votes aren’t super low.

Thank you for supporting us by being a pro member :slightly_smiling_face:


So I’m sure with everything going on this will be a while but I figured I would let yall know. When I try to run the regular purchased version of watch dogs 2 with the trainers, the game either freezes up or just exits out of the program entirely. Do i need to be in a specific point in the game to use these, or is this a technical issue?

Please make sure you’ve read the important note in both the first post of this thread and the trainer itself.

Are you playing the Uplay version or the Uplay+ version? This trainer is for Uplay, the last few people who had issues were trying to use it on the Uplay+ version, which requires a separate trainer due to differences in the game’s coding. You can vote for a Uplay+ version in your WeMod desktop app. :slight_smile:

I have the regular Uplay version of the game. I also did the parameter steps. Am I supposed to put it in the parameter section in Uplay or in the actual desktop icon for it to work properly? I got the game for free a few years ago and I’ve been wanting to use this on it for a while.

when i activate the cheats my gun does not make a damage to npc
Can anyone help me?

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We’ll pass this onto the trainer’s developer on Monday. :slight_smile:

This might be related to the infinite health cheat. Try deactivating that and see if it makes any difference?

yes. it made it worked properly with the unlimited cheat deactivated

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