Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

com’on people, read above comments before posting…

so, when this trainer can be to fix it ??

Fix what?
The NPCs having infinite health? Like I said above, it is a game engine limitation. There’s nothing we can do about it. You’ll need to complain to the developers of the game.

I am having issues with using Wemod on the Uplay version. when I am playing the game, and I turn it on, it says “we’re having trouble loading the cheats into the game.” I clicked on help and it said that the page was not found. so I decided to come here in search of an answer. plz hlp

Getting all the cars is very easy. Every car you steal it gets unlocked so you can buy it and getting money is super easy in the game, like literally scanning every one and you will be rolling in dough.

Welcome to the community @Saint_Broseph. :slight_smile:

Do you have the game on Uplay or Uplay+? This trainer was designed for the Uplay version, not the plus version.
If you have the Uplay+ version, you need to use the Uplay+ trainer: Watch Dogs 2 (Uplay+) Cheats and Trainer for Uplay.

If you have the game on Uplay, then make sure you are following the instructions that the trainer gave you before it allowed you to press the Play button for the first time:

thank you. I will look into this

so, what about WD 2 by steam version, is that god mode option has the same bug as uplay version ??

It’s not a bug. It’s a game engine limitation. And it’s the same game, so yes.

So uh, when I activate the Unlimited health cheat, both police and civilians have unlimited health too :confused:

Yes that’s what the last 10 comments have been about , just the way the game is. Only use it when you need it

So there is no solution, that’s sad, but I guess we can’t do anything about it

Turn off unlimited health. It seems to be a bug with that.

how do i add -eac_launcher to the properties inside the uplay app

Hey can anyone tell me why unlimited health affects everything and not just me

Hello @ViXiTy.

This has already been addressed several times in this thread, which you can locate using the search button.

See here: Watch Dogs 2 Cheats and Trainer for Uplay - #87 by Ravenfyre. :slight_smile:

yo the launch parameter dont work

i did what you told me to do with the launch para but it STILL wont work wtf

Where did you get your copy of the game from?

Uplay? Uplay+? Steam? Cracked/pirated?


You will likely need to own the game by purchasing it, rather than renting it as part of your Uplay+ subscription.
Ubisoft changed the way their Uplay+ service works not too long ago, which affects whether trainers (regardless of where you get them from) can or cannot inject into those games.