Why Won't Horizon Start Up?

Alright, try using the registry tool in norton. it will repair broken system files since 0x0003 error is caused by misconfigured system files. It may be more to it than that so try it and then see if anything else pops up.

If it is that simple, i am going to kick myself…

lol. no big deal, I can see how it can be overlooked.

Ash, the program you suggest to run is one of them fake ones, which require you to register.

Damnit, i’ll go get another one.


He Has Norton, Im pretty sure a registry Clean will help.

Open Norton, find Tasks in top right.
On This Page:

Find Run Registry Clean Up:

On This page:

Let this run, Than Restart Computer, and try again.

Same thing. I’d say try both just to be sure.

I Suggested Norton as he already has this installed. Along with this, It is a very powerful tool. Can fix many of the world unknown issues :smile:

Don’t assume that because we haven’t fixed it that we aren’t trying. Chillz, ash, sweat, and I are working for a fix, Its hard to find a fix when all the possible problems aren’t there.

It’s hard to find a fix for something that we can’t reproduce on our own computers.

I read every support thread. If I don’t post, I have nothing to contribute. I appreciate all the member’s that are helping you though :smile:

Install Xenocode.

Might not work, but worth a try.

Spoon Studio - Virtualize Your Apps

Won’t do anything.

Would fixing up the registry files do anything. It may not fix the whole problem but may be a part of it.

Already tried that, no luck :anguished:

I tried it for another member via teamview.

For this problem. I didn’t know anyone else had the same problem.

It was for a Horizon startup issue. He had done all the other trouble shooting steps, I thought that cleaning the registry would help, it didn’t.

That’s odd. There’s definitely something wrong with the application. Maybe it didn’t download correctly.

That’s what I had thought, if you look back a few posts, we tried checking everythin like that, md5 hash code, re downloaded. It beyond my knowledge unfortunately.
Btw my post about you guys not getting in here and posting fix’s was not meant to be a flame or criticism. I just was unaware why you hadn’t posted already, normally you guys are in and helping pretty quick is all.

Its funny. After all this work me and Jael have went through it seems nothing has worked. Idk whats the deal with this program… My advice. Completely reprogram the application. With all these errors. Atleast update it or something…