X4: Foundations Cheats and Trainer for Steam

It should be noted to use Unlimited Items carefully.
For example if you were store all the excess in your personal storage at your HQ and then use it again and then store more you can actually bork your save pretty hard.

Also worthwhile note for people in general sometimes Unlimited Hull Integrity if your in lets say an M Class vessel with an S class docked on you it can flag your save as modded, it’s rare but can happen if you care for that kind of thing so double saves are always nice if you care about ventures.

(or if ventures ever return…)

Any chance on a Version 6 Beta version?

WeMod don’t usually create trainers for beta versions of games. Usually only stable, full release versions.

This would be nice if the “adding credit” mod raise by thousand or ten of thousand rather than ten credit

I was just playing with Unlimited Hull Integrity enabled and my ship was destroyed! Clearly this trainer is not working.

there is a bug, apparently, that when Invincibility is activated - it can be applied only to ships while you are in the chair of one, or to your “character” when you are not, so to be sure - activate Unlimited hull and get into / leave a pilot seat a few times, that usually fixes it for me.

I have no problem with this function. I launch the trainer before loading the backup and all my vessels that I am inside or not are protected.

I point out that I do not use any mod!

How would I request an On/off to ‘Set credits’ IF I earn more than 999,999,999 it forces to that. Cannot enable mod if I want to have a non-fixed amount. I just want to set a value once then play from there.

This function is useless for me because there are unlimited objects.
Unlimited objects that you can sell and receive billions …

Edit : To return to normal with this function, you must deactivate the recording of mods via Wemod’s settings.

Just tested the cheats and with the new update they need updating :slight_smile:


the broken kingdom patch has made the cheats obsolete its not working anymore.


Same ! ^^


Plitch hat schon aktualisiert wer nicht warten kann


Schade dass Aktualisierungen so lange dauern wenns keine AAA Titel sind. Ich warte halt. Nochmal für eine Trainerseite zahlen… nee danke


Versuchen Sie, einen neuen Entdeckungsteil ohne Mod zu erstellen. Das mache ich zu Beginn des Starts in dieser Nacht, als ich aktualisiert habe.
Sie können sich bei der Funktion helfen, die das Arbeitsgeld definiert.
Ehrlich gesagt sind die Schiffe super schön.
(Verwendung von Google Übersetzer)

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The trainer does not report the Steam update has been performed. Why don’t we see this trainer in the update waiting list? We do not even have the opportunity to boost the latter for his absence.


I gave it 150 boosts, didn’t move a single spot in the queue :frowning:


I also boosted 63 points. What is not correct is that Stingerr made the update of 5 titles this evening and that in these 5 titles 4 were behind X4. In fact, there is no transparency in this waiting list. At one point of the evening, I watched the list and on 17 titles in queue 11 were assigned to Stingerr. In concequence, even if your pending game is first but that Stingerr is not working on it, it is the titles assigned to other creators that are made before.

In the end, this waiting list system is a large joke.

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Updates / new trainers that were already started are finished before another is started. He might have released them today but has been working on them for the past few days.

Each creator does whatever is at the top of their queue. Each creator will always have 1 item in the top 5, which is what they will work on next.

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All Hail the Creators! You work so hard and put up with so much gripe. The 5 of you deserve great praise for your efforts. And Chris too

I boosted this Title 310 times, or was it 301. Totally worked…