Xbox LIVE Update Public Beta (Xbox IE) [Still On, Sign Up!]

NO I think its over ;(


Internet explorer

Yeah I have tried multiple browsers and I still get the error. Oh well.

Must seem like its over then.

I’ll update the post now so everyone knows anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just did it right now and it worked for me :smile:

It just worked for me! I LOVE YOU​:heart::heart::heart:

I downloaded the thing about 2 days ago and it’s not come up how will I know when I’ll get it?

I clicked the source link and it didn’t work but when I searched xbox ie on facebook it worked then. I did it this morning, it said I had to wait 1-2 business days but I got the update today.

Well it wasn’t even out 2 days ago you derp.

If it’s not out now it’ll be coming out.

Just did it and just waiting for the update to happen to me now;O

Got it yeah!

Mine has just came, as of 23:23PM (UK Time)

So you guys in the UK & Canada should be getting yours pretty soon.

Woop live in uk and just getting mine now thanks Influence!

Just got the update now as I came home.
Downloading it and hoping to see some improvements to the dash.

Edit: It’s not just UK, to whoever posted below me.
I’m in Canada.

Uk people get the update now!

:anguished: wish i could.

I dun got it yet :anguished: Registered yesterday as well.

Canada, eh? < 3

Didn’t say it was only Uk people I was just pointing out Uk people get it now.

For anybody said that this didn’t work, it just worked for me.

Did you run the registration on your xbox?

I kinda regret doing this, I don’t know why.