Xbox LIVE Update Public Beta (Xbox IE) [Still On, Sign Up!]

No fun for me :cry:

Don’t feel bad same thing here it only pick “FAVORTISM” people.



idk… lol i’m bored.:wink:

Yea, I think anyone who signed up today in general should of had the update come in by now… or hopefully soon.

Regret it? I’ve done this with 2-3 of these betas now and even modded my profiles while on the beta and never had anything bad happen… O_o.
It’s pretty cool seeing the new dash, but it’s a bummer when everyone else gets it and is like “Wow this is so cool!” And you’re like “Yea I had it 4 months ago…”

I registered my console this morning and just got the update about 5 mins ago. I guess it doesn’t even take a whole day in some cases.

How u register the xbox though…? “CLUELESS Guru HERE”

Yeah, yeah i got it now anyways. I wouldn’t say that since its quite awesome having before everyone else and they are all like ‘HOW DO YOU GET THAT!?!?!’ I had Kinect dash beta which was quite cool.

I hate my life … FML everyone thats cool gets this damn thing.

Two bad man unlucky

Haolams seconds account…

Hell yah i got it!!!

steps here
go to facebook do a page search for Xbox IE
there will be a link under there first post then then u fill the form out u will then be passed!

No facepalm … The link given to us on the thread here is broken link.

You’re welcome? :expressionless:

Have fun with it. I’m enjoying it. A lot cleaner and nicer looking.

Edit: @Iccccy
The link he gave from the beginning was broken for me. I had to go to Xbox IE on FB to get mine, since his link brought me to an out-dated URL. O_o

Thanks… that was the problem i wasn’t sure where to register the xbox thing… but i got it now.

at your face-palm :laughing:
anyways, it worked for me because of the actual link on their Facebook, not on the thread.

Oh **** nvm lol

posted from xbl app

Just testing to see if it worked and it did.