Xbox LIVE Update Public Beta (Xbox IE) [Still On, Sign Up!]

Well than.

I must be a magician.

All I gotta say is don’t open up an app, and while the screen is black press your dashboard button and click “Home” and confirm yes.
Bad **** goes down.

Oh, and they need to allow Directional buttons to type on keyboard.

Besides that, pornhub looks great(when they enable flash).

Got the update. I thought I missed out on this wonderful event. Now to see if it is “as wonderful” as I thought.

It’s horrible.
Turn back now. You’re going to have your xbox explode, and maybe worse.
Besides, all IE is good for is watching porn on your Xbox.
I have a laptop and PS3 for that.

Edit: I guess the dashboard DOES look a little cleaner and more… sharp? Then before though.

Going to appear offline fer dayz.

I still did not get an update yet and i ran the app. hoping tomorrow i get it.

took 4 hours for mine to come through. but i did it this morning. from last nights beta entry

@stevierox that video you posted. it happened before the update too… happened to my friend when we were playing red alert3… then again at trails evo… then again on fifa… XD

I’ll probably do that right now, I’d rather do it on my xbox than computer anyway.

Open Me

They do give you that warning in the agreement that you’re digitally signing.
Everyone signing up also agrees that they are above their area’s age of majority. I’m assuming that quite a few of the people who have signed up are not, and those people can probably get in a some trouble for that. That’s not too likely to happen, but I’d still rather play it safe and not sign up, given that I am a year below the age of majority. I’m also perfectly happy with my Xbox’s current functionality.

That moment when tons of people attempt to watch porn and discover there’s no flash support.

There isn’t even flash player, I already tried that ****.

Settings>Use mobile site = Fap?

Can I give the dashboard to a friend of mine? Like if he recovers my account, downloads the installer thingy, then opens it and clicks okay and ****, would he then get the dashboard?

Expect a console or profile ban if caught.

Yes you can, it says on the website you can register up to 3 consoles

It has been 7 hours, still no update… uhhhhhhhh.

beta ^^ yay me

It says it can take one to two business days for it to register your console

Re-read what you read. 3 consoles in YOUR possession.

I would like for them to prove they are not in my possession.