XCOM 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Not compatible with WotC ?

No. But this one is. :eyes: :mag_right:

Is this game going to be updated or no?

can’t get the resources to work. any tips?

Would it be possible for this trainer to be updated ?
The cheats don’t seem to work with the current version of the game.
If possible I would love it if XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is updated too.

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@ptondo posted this above. Since a few members have asked about an updated trainer especially for the DLC.

Would it be possible to update the trainer as it is not working currently ?

Would it be possible to at least put the trainer in the list “need an update” pls ?

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The trainer do not seem to work for the current version of the game. Would it be possible to update it ?

I don’t know if this is a dumb question or not, but the trainer is saying that the cheats were made for the 64-bit version, and I apparently am running the 32-bit version. Has anyone else experienced this? I literally bought the base game off Steam yesterday.

Cheers in advance…

I don’t really know but I know that this trainer has not been working properly for at least a month.
I tried to ask multiple times if it could be updated. XCOM 2 is still enjoyable without the trainer though. I just wanted to use it to get the achievements.

Yeah I have the same issue, an Update or something would be great but I think this was abandoned :expressionless:

Can someone from the developer team or moderator acknowledge that this trainer needs to be updated please ?

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Hi it is me, again !
I am still here to ask an update for this trainer. Or at least the recognition that this trainer needs an update.
Thank you for listening to this humble request of mine and I wish you a good week. :grin:

Sunday here !
I had a great week ! I finally found an internship in an IT company after 5+ months of searching.
I am here once again to ask if this trainer could be updated.
I hope the next week will be great too and that you will be able to enjoy it.

How can it be abondened? It’s a freakin’ awesome game and they would be silly not to keep it up to date…

Sunday here !
The past week was my last week before I start working. It was a great week.
Could this trainer be updated please ?
Hope you all have a wonderful day and that next week is perfect.

Sunday here !
I got my second dose of vaccine yesterday and got a terrible headache today xD. I should have taken some doliprane or aspirin but didn’t so now I collect the fruit of my action, a headache.
See you next Sunday !

Sunday here !
When I started this sort of journal I didn’t expect I would continue it for so long :grin:.
Anyway I am still here to ask for this trainer to be tested so that it can finally go to the list of trainer who needs an update.
See you next week !

Sunday here !
I can’t post more than 3 consecutive reply so here I am editing this post. I understand it is to avoid spam but it’s been a week since my last reply there should maybe have time limit or smth.
Anyway I am still here to ask for this trainer to be updated.
Until next Sunday !

Trainer works fine, just used it last night. Only real issue is that currently, all the resource cheats don’t correctly correspond to the resource they actually change, so it takes a bit of fiddling to get it figured out properly. Then again, you’re only really going to need to do the resource cheats once ever per playthrough…