Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I started playing return to rome dlc and the cheats are not working. I tried in regular AOE2 as well but that’s not working either.

Anybody else also facing these issues? How can I fix it?

How does it work? I went to Fling’s webpage, downloaded the trainer file, double clicking gave an installation interface in WeMod, yet nothing changed?

it’s the zipped file but unfortunately there have been updates since then.

wemod can not load the mods in the game

Every time I’ve checked out FLiNG’s AoE II DE Trainer, I always see in VirusTotal that it’s loaded with a non game hack Trojan which is why I’ve kept away from it.

It’s extremely common for trainers, especially stand-alone ones, to be flagged as a false positive by anti-virises and security vendors. This has been happening for decades (trainers were first invented in the 1980s), so it’s nothing new.

It gets flagged because of how trainers work, which is by injecting code into your PC’s RAM. WeMod trainers inject the exact same way as FLiNG’s stand-alones.

See more: My antivirus marked WeMod as a Trojan - #2 by Ravenfyre

Cheats no longer works on latest patch (Victors and Vanquished DLC). An Update will be needed.

The Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

could we possibly get an unlimited troop build and god mode please and thank you? reason I ask is cause this table is actually working again.


options: “Fast Upgrades; Instant recruits; Instant buildings” still not added.

am I the only one where the new update is not working?

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what do you mean? it worked for me

I try as always and I hear the sound but nothing changes. Even deinstalled and reinstalled the trainer but still nothing.

something on your pc must be blocking it

The last update still not working for me :c
idk why

you were right. it was the windows defender

Have the same problem, nothing is working. Yesterday it was fine. Windows Defender isn’t blocking it (or I can’t see it?), reinstalled WeMod but it didn’t fix it

what worked for me was launching into the game first from steam and loading the trainer once i was in-game, at least thats what worked with the new dlc scenarios

I really hope that the cheats go back again the instant suff and the god mode

We have been asking for the restoration of the instant cheats for aoe2 and aoe3 de there is one in fling but it is lasts for 1 second WE NEED UPDATE