Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

Incoming release :slight_smile:



Incredible! Thanks SunBeam! Anyway I can help in anything?

Yes. Test whatā€™ll be updated in a few minutes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Youā€™re fantastic! Great work on all of this. Iā€™ve had absolutely no problems. This has made the leveling curve and grinding much more manageable, and with a resources code it will be even less grindy. Canā€™t thank you enough!

Any word on ship codes? I got unbelievably frustrated with one battle I stumbled into, and I got stuck in a quicksave loop for a while until I managed (after a dozen reloads) to win. I donā€™t know much about creating codes, but figured Iā€™d ask as Iā€™m curious.

Thanks again!

The Assassinā€™s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Resource Picker cheat added
  • Add Amount cheat added

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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yep its crashing on me :confused: Maybe someone else has a dif perspective? WeMod just crashes on me when I try to choose the resource I want. Iā€™m good though I used cheat engine to get resources, just wanted to test it out lol. Its a big step anyways so props on the awesome work!

Hop on Discord and drop me a line. Can you do TeamViewer? Thanks!

OK, just tested the new cheats. Everything works perfectly for me except the cheat for tablets. When I press ā€œFā€ with those selected, it does nothing. I currently have ā€œ0ā€ tablets in my inventory. Once I have time to check if possessing one changes things, Iā€™ll let you know.

It shouldnā€™t do anything if you have 0 amount :wink: Forgot to mention. Each item in the inventory is an object with valid memory. I donā€™t know how to generate them out of thin air and add them into your inventory. So weā€™ll stick with ā€œadding to existing amountā€. Cheers!

The Assassinā€™s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Unlimited Ammo/Tools renamed to Unlimited Ammo (there are no tools)

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Ok, makes sense. So even if Iā€™ve previously had them and used them all for ship upgrades, the cheat wonā€™t work unless the number is at least ā€œ1ā€? Should be fine then!

Yeaps. The way it works is to iterate all of your existing inventory (that means all the objects for which there is at least 1 amount in there). It then finds the amount by hash and returns a pointer to the amount value :stuck_out_tongue: Then I add 5000 to that :slight_smile:

Hey, so when i run the WeMod when i try to use the resource thing it freezes the Wemod trainer and just rotates my ingame camera

I have the same Problem as osirisking

@SunBeam Adding 5k ancient tablets doesnā€™t work.

It does. If you donā€™t have 0.

is the resource thing only for pro users, or?

I think there is a bug with either the drop-down selector or Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right.

Are you going to add the Orichalum ore to the resource drop down menu?