Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

A bypass for what? If ubishit sees we are giving away paid content for free that is asking for a cease and desist or to be sued.

Thank you SunBeam for all your hard work and dedication. I appreciate all of it. Make sure to play the game. It is really fun and the story is amazing.

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I see. Sorry.

Yeah I tried it all and it keeps crashing as soon as I try to do anything. RIP.

Dude… enable script, press I, set your amounts in CE, disable script, exit Inventory menu. That’s how it doesn’t crash. Try to understand when you read some instructions, not barge in to test out chaotically.

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That’s exactly what I did and it had nothing to do with that. For some reason the plated vambraces keep multiplying in my inventory which is what’s causing my game to crash.

I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. As I said, open table, enable script, press I, go back to CE, edit your amounts on the whatever, disable script. Go back in-game, close inventory or switch tabs. No crashes for me. Has nothing to do with whatever vambraces…

everything works fine for me.

This has nothing to do with the script you posted. For some reason my game has like 200 plated vambraces (arm armor) that no matter if I try to sell or dismantle won’t go away so they are making me go over my gear capacity. On the first few times it crashed it was because my inventory items were multiplying out of control until it crashed my game. I was not able to see that this was the issue because it would crash it almost immediately. So now that I know this I was letting you guys know that it wasn’t the script causing the issue, but I’m still trying to figure out why it multiplied the stuff in my inventory.

dude just start a new game, or find an autosave from before using the cheat. ALWAYS back up your game before cheating.


Green Apples - 000001836BED92A0

Red Apples - 000001836BED9298

leopard Fur - 0000017C09EDAED3

When upgrading spear (I upgraded multiple times, I only took those two)



Got this hash after killing an important figure ( I got multiple, was only able to catch that one)


I’m only wandering why would anyone want large amounts of those thrash items? I haven’t found basically any other use for them besides selling, from where we come to the fact that a simple money cheat is much better way to get cash than selling a million red apples. Yes, here are some fetch quests, but I haven’t confirmed if the required items are quest items or in the thrash inventory(right side). However, the required amounts are laughable at best and does not actually require any grinding whatsoever.

And to clarify, I’m not arguing against that option. I’m just wondering why?

If you can do it, why not?

Will there be any more updates for the trainer(infinite resources, Easy Kill, God mode for ships)?

Soon, in a trainer near you :slight_smile:

So let’s say you have this scenario now:

  • WeMod -> drop-down list -> pick Gold
  • Gold is assigned in the trainer code the hash: 0000001BFDB9F655
  • then you will have a slider to set a given amount (max. gold is 9.999.999; checked)
  • then you will have another button that says Set Amount
  • once you click it, my function finds the pointer to amount by hash id and updates the amount by that which you’ve selected in the GUI :slight_smile:

Nifty, eh?


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Nice! Quick question… Where can i find the hashes for mounts and stuff? Im doing a science project… I swear!

Yea i had 93 million gold at one point and then i realized it would change to 9,999,999 after i exited the inv. Hopefully the lvl cap gets removed later on by UBi

All of them have the cap at 9.999.999 :slight_smile:

ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F35 - 48 8D 4F 2C        - lea rcx,[rdi+2C]
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F39 - 4D 8B C6           - mov r8,r14
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F3C - 48 8B D6           - mov rdx,rsi
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F3F - E8 9C7F0300        - call ACOdyssey.exe+23DCEE0
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F44 - 48 8B 0D 85293603  - mov rcx,[ACOdyssey.exe+57078D0]
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F4B - 4C 8B C8           - mov r9,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F4E - 0FB6 9C 24 E8000000- movzx ebx,byte ptr [rsp+000000E8]
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F56 - 8B 10              - mov edx,[rax]
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F58 - 44 8B 81 F8000000  - mov r8d,[rcx+000000F8] // 9.999.999 is max
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F5F - 41 03 D7           - add edx,r15d
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F62 - 41 3B D0           - cmp edx,r8d
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F65 - 41 0F47 D0         - cmova edx,r8d
ACOdyssey.exe+23A4F69 - 89 10              - mov [rax],edx


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@SunBeam is possible to have 2 ship option in the trainer 1) god mode 2) infinite stamina Thank you in advance

Thanks for all your work SB.

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