Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

As I mentioned earlier, please use Ctrl+F to find your answer. It’s server-sided, so no.

Don’t forget to play the game @SunBeam. Thanks a lot for your work! :sunny:

The Assassin’s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Fixed the freezing and inability to select resource from drop-down menu

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Trainer works great thanks very much. Do you need a pro account to use the xp modifier?

No you don’t need that :wink:

I cannot seem to use the xp modifier is there any reason why? Using the uplay version of the game

Orichalcum and Helix-Credits are both Server-Sided ?
is this correct ?
it means we cant Edit this ?

It’s Server-Sided, soo no editing it sadly :disappointed_relieved:

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Did you remember to kill something after you cranked-up the xp modifier? and activated thing before? (The one that grants you xp modifier change)?

Both Server-Sided really


I will post this dumb reply every time someone asks something that’s already been replied to: Ctrl+F.

Enable the option above the slider first. And please hover mouse or click those ( i ) nformation buttons…

@everyone: If you cannot get WeMod to work (timing out, erroring, freezing), please move your Ubisoft\Games folder our of C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft. With or without an anti-virus installed, the C: drive (the drive where your Windows OS is installed) has access restrictions applied to files/processes launched from protected locations (such as Program Files or Program Files (x86). In short, it may happen the trainer doesn’t inject into the game process. We’ll see if we can come up with a fix later on.

What is/ could the new update coming some time, going to include (Features and such)?

Surprise :slight_smile:


What kind? :wink:

@SunBeam Thanks for all your hard work

The Assassin’s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Ship God Mode cheat added
  • Unlimited Ship Stamina cheat added

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Im curious, is it possible to make a “Reveal all un-discoverd areas”? (Sorry for any misspelling if there is any)

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