Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

No. Why read when you can do additional work and ask the question again?

@SunBeam Are you going to add an update for boat type cheats?

is there going to be a gear spawner or something like that so we can give ourself the best stuff or is that not possible for this

Thanks Sunbeam, was going to ask about the Relics but found your answer so just wanted to say thank you again for the Trainer keep up with the good work and cant wait to see the Updates you do with this Trainer.

I most of all want a easy kill

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Just letting you know spamming and repeating questions/requests will get ignored. Just finished Unlimited Ship Health and Stamina. Will update in a bit.

L.E.: Scratch that; will take a bit more to fix some pointers. Later today. Cheers.


@SunBeam Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work. I have been watching the comments for all the updates you’re putting out, and have really enjoyed this game with this trainer.

Will you possibly add in Easy Kills? And maybe perhaps something for Adrenaline?

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Agreed Easy Kills and Unlimated adrenaline is everything else I would even want outside of the ship health and stamina that’s being worked on.

i upgrade to pro to support your job [SunBeam] :grinning:

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does not work for me, steam version. there is no way to activate the options . for instance god mode

You need to use the hotkeys listed next to the cheat.

First of all I would like to thank you for this trainer. When I saw that they ask 10-20 euros for 10.000 gold and some resources I started laughing. I am here to report the only problem I found so far … you can’t add any Olive Wood , Ancient Tablets or Obsidian Glass. The Soft Leather, Iron Metal, Precious Gems and Gold work just fine.

Edit: Nevermind, I just found your reply " Doesn’t work when you have 0 amount "

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will teleport be added?

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Any chance to add a cheat that disables enemy scaling?

That wouldn’t be possible. Wait for the easy kill option or do it yourself if you don’t want to wait.

AOB scan for all your damages: 48 89 5C 24 08 48 89 6C 24 10 48 89 74 24 18 57 48 83 EC 20 8B 02 48 8B

Actually you don’t even need to AOB: Manually add this address: ACOdyssey.exe+26DA230

Disassemble memory region
Break and Trace on this instruction:mov [rsp+08],rbx
Get the value for RDX from break and trace
+0 Health
+4 Total Gear Score
+8 Armor
+38 Warrior Damage Main Weapaon
+3C Warrior Damage Secondary Weapon
+40 Arrow Damage
+44 Assassin Damage

What about a speed modifier cheat similar to Far Cry 5?

Thank you @SunBeam :slight_smile: you made it !

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Hey, Just a heads up, I’m using the steam version and it was working for me- but about 3 hours ago, whenever I tried to activate the cheats the game would crash.

Also is oricalcum ore stored serverside or clientside, because if it is clientside then a hack for it would be stellar.

Server side so no