Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

It is on your end. No AV, admin rights, reinstall WeMod as admin, etc. Try the various solutions posted in this topic.

i was gonna make a trainer lol until i seen i cant post it here xD

This is something everyone using this Trainer needs to understand. SunBeam has no obligation to update this trainer every few days yet he does so. Not to mention I’m sure he’s even working on it in his spare time unpaid. If you want to complain atleast read the comment section or do the bare minimum and form coherent sentences to discuss the issues you may be having.

I feel that some people forget that this is the case with mods/trainers and sadly it needed to be said once more.

OK, just tested this:

  1. Mashing R key either in a fight or not seems to lock your player once it lands. This happens for a brief moment, time in which the ability would replenish. So yeah, don’t MASH R key! 0.5-1s per mash is enough. And now you have a ton of abilities you can use, so quit whining. L.E.: You can’t even mash it while in action; wait for the script to finish, then press R again.

  2. At times it may look like you cannot use an ability with adrenaline full (the ability’s icon is grayed out); well, press that button and see what happens: it still works and goldens up.

  3. No crash whatsoever in 2h of playing here :expressionless: I must be one lucky guy, eh?

My last part in the first posts stands: “For everything else, please use common sense and understanding. You have access to a wide variety of options, so you’ll also have to use your brain to combine them to work to your advantage, rather than reporting “not working how I want them to work”.


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@ SunBeam

You are a god. This is the most amazing trainer for this game and there’s literally nothing else you could possibly add to it. I hope it’s supported for a long time through the DLCs!

that could be really cool

Thanks again for all the great work! One thing I’ve discovered (which is NOT your fault, by the way) that wasn’t listed in the nice “tutorial” you made at the top of the page is about waiting after using teleport codes.

I think I found a way around the elevation change issue. Basically, when you teleport, the little “save/load icon” in the bottom left portion of your screen will start spinning. If you exit the map before it stops, you’ll risk getting trapped underground. Here is the “fix”: If you wait until that little spinning icon goes away, you almost never get stuck, even going from low elevation to high.

I think the game takes some time to figure out the elevation, and then just drops you “x” feet above ground when it sees an issue.

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I’ll fix it by adding in the BipedComponent(s) XYZ and it should work just fine. But yes, you have to wait a bit till game loads its resources. Always remember - the spot you want to teleport to, which is far from yours, will almost always not have the decals loaded.

L.E.: Just to re-iterate. I’ve been playing for over 4 hours now with these on:

Aside from 2 or 3 lags in crowded areas (it’s normal, don’t have a bad ass GFX), all works fine. Yes, the ability icons do gray out from time to time, but, as I said, it’s just a visual thing. They do work activating.

The Adrenalin cheat worked beautifully until i fought in one of the battles?

What happened? I swear to God… have you guys read the instructions in main post? Close game, re-open it. Enter game world. Enable Adrenalin option. Go to a soldier and kill him with your sword. Has the bar gone full up? Use an ability. Does it decrease? If not, then there shouldn’t be any issues with this. Which ability do you use that doesn’t work or crashes game? Maybe there’s something special about that crap.

This is the first game to be playable on Google’s Project Stream which uses Chrome to play games. Is it possible to make something that can work with that version?


The Assassin’s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Readjusted the teleporter so that components are also refreshed now.
  • Fixed the Unlimited Oxygen glitch (no more tiny drops and refills).
  • Fixed the Unlimited Adrenaline option; read the comments in first post - - if you use it and find the bar drops, deplete it completely so a refill event is triggered; you won’t need to worry about it for the rest of the game.

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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EWWW no, Google should ■■■■ off and leave us gamers alone. ■■■■ their projects aimed at spying on us further and then dictating how we should do stuff based on their liking. Leave gaming alone.

But no, it will not work because everything is on their servers. You’re simply streaming it and sending them your data

People are just stupid, your game works perfectly fine. like very single one. never even found a glitch, i dont know how stupid you can be to have trouble.

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Some additional feedback, please? Any more crashes, bugs, issues? Thanks!

It’s been 1 hour that I use, teleportation always works niquel and oxigene too! No crash.

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when i use wemod the game will like camera mod :frowning: UPLAY

What you’re saying is you like the free camera option? Is my understanding correct? Thanks.

yes just like that
if i add gold

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If you teleport out in the sea on a boat your character will be stuck inside it. If you teleport into the water your character will bug out iirc.