Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

I would but have no idea how. Sorry.

The trainer seems to be working well with the latest version of the game. I haven’t tried every single option yet, but those that I have tried have worked like a charm. I hope Sunbeam is doing alright!

SunBeam has terminated his collaboration with WeMod. Reasons are personal. I believe it’s about time WeMod actually informed their user population. Thank you!

P.S.: I’m fine, thanks for asking!


Is there anybody already working on a Uplay + version or am I really forced to buy the game?

We are currently not working on a Uplay+ version.

You say you are not currently working on it, what is the future, is there a chance you will work on it or will there never be a Uplay + version?

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I tried to put in the ACOdyssey_plus.exe and the standard exe as a custom installation and neither worked, both just says it has trouble finding or opening the game.
I also want to know what TheZuspect brought up, is there any plans for it in the near future to fix these Uplay+ problems that Ubisoft annoyingly patched in to all Uplay+ games for plus users?

Right now if you try to play AC Odyssey and have the game through Uplay+ you will not be able to use Wemod.

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We are currently looking into this issue :slightly_smiling_face:


Odyssey just got updated, though the trainer seem to be working as intended still. If anyone’s been having issues with the DLCs not starting, install the new update and try again as this patch is supposed to fix those issues.

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WeMod is having trouble finding the game

Probably because you are using the uplay + version. This works for regular exe

Are there no plans for fixing this? Am I going to have to purchase the game?

Not quite sure what they have plans for as the trainer works for regular version and also there are a few games with exe + coming out that we have trainers for already
It Is being looked into

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That would be super great if you would find the mistake and then it would work for the Uplay + version. Otherwise, I just buy the Ultimate Edition for 45€ which is mega cheap and worth the money because AC: Odyssey is a great game

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The mistake is uplay coming out with the +exe’s the trainer works for the regular version of the game

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Thank you, everyone and Yeah i need to cough up some money for a lot of the games that came out recently. Just need to get the money lol

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We are looking into the uplay + games but there quite a few of them that need re-done so mite take a little bit of time

So the page MegaDev which also make trainers (this is not advertising) have a working Trainer for Uplay +. Only downside you have to buy the gold status to use all cheats. But maybe they can help you that your WeMod Trainer work.

MegaDev is total rubbish, 3 cheats out of 23 are available for free, 1 is to activate the trainer, 2 is to add 100xp and 3 is to take away 100xp. Totally useless.