Try and start the game first through steam. Then once your in game alt tab out THEN press play in wemod after the is running. Sometimes that will help
thanks man. it worked
Great. Glad you got it to work. Have fun !
When i activate a cheat ingame the whole game shuts down im i doing something wrong?
Are you using the most up to date steam version of the game ?
1.51 is the latest one i got the game on uplay so it has to be uptodate no?
This trainer, as the name of it suggests, is designed for the Steam version of the game.
The Uplay version of the game is slightly different coding-wise from the Steam version, therefore would most likely require a separate trainer specifically for the Uplay version.
This game was free on Epic Games in February ([Free Game] Assassin's Creed Syndicate), it was posted both here in the forum and on Discord, did you not grab a free copy of it then? We have an Epic Games version trainer.
Hello, i am using the steam version of this game but when i go and activate a cheat it closes down my game, any fix for this ? i saw the dev who created the cheat talk about read the notes but cant seem to find the notes.
thank you guys.
I’m having a same problem as yours, but It’s Uplay version
We have a trainer for steam version and epic version. If your using uplay its probably why it isn’t working for you
I think something changed with the game. I’ve been using WeMod trainer with this game for months without issue. Today, suddenly, it’s doing exactly what people are saying above. Activating any cheat instantly crashes the game. I’m not sure what’s going on.
I don’t believe it’s a user error. Something changed in the last couple weeks.
Was the uplay one taken down?
We never had one, as far as I’m aware.
However, I’ll make an enquiry with a senior staff member about an option to vote for a Uplay version of the trainer.
Just so you’re aware though - Uplay is not a very popular launcher platform with the wider gaming community.
that evil ubisoft
@ModernSounds & @UncleShang & @Wobblytose & Everyone else who has the game on Uplay.
We have added the ability to vote for a Uplay version of the trainer.
Make sure you select the Uplay option in the WeMod desktop app before casting your vote.
Use your WeMod referral link, which is found in the dashboard of the WeMod desktop app, to invite friends and people from other communities to come and vote too.

Please make sure you’re posting in the correct thread @mrcthulhu. Reporting Epic issues in a Steam thread leads to confusion.
The Epic version needs an update. See this staff post here: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games
I don’t know if this is the right thread, but I wanted to say that Syndicate crashes with all trainers on all platforms as soon as a cheat is activated
Maybe Ubisoft/Uplay has a new Anti Cheat Engine
I’m seeing the same behavior here. Wemod trainers or Flings - as soon as any trainer is used the game crashes immediately.
is there any update? the cheats is not working… i purchased today march 24 2020 in epic and it crashed whenever i try to use the cheats…
any update?? thanks
Welcome to the community
As the name of this trainer suggests, this particular one is designed for the Steam version of the game.
Make sure you are selecting the Epic version of the trainer in the WeMod desktop app. If you are, please post in the correct thread for the trainer. Thank you.