Borderlands 2 - GPD Editor v2.3.0.5

Good news, have just released a new version of the editor. :smile:

Now you can mod your badass rank and also you can unlock (or lock) all of the costumizations including gearbox and borderlands 1 things.

Have fun with it :wink:

Dunno if i was too greedy, but my game keeps crashing now mid fight - any ideas?

ha ha sorted now - just raised rate of Fire to 200 and maxed rest - works perfectly. Thanx

I think I did something wrong. My profile ended up being corrupted so I had to redownload it. :confused:

Could you send me your modded GPD over mediafire?

Here you go. Hereā€™s hoping you can see whatā€™s up.


I figured out what happened. The USB drive itself somehow got corrupted, and it in turn corrupted my profile. Everything works now. Good ****.

is it just me - wen i kill the warrior the game doesnt continue. so i cant kill him with the moonshot

I think you just accidentally the Borderlandsā€¦yes, the entire Borderlands. Lower your multiplier so you canā€™t one-shot the warrior, re-mod the quest back in and kill him again. I warned about setting the stats too high, itā€™ll break your game.

It took me three times to try that mission, lol. I know not to do that, but I did finish it with my stats maxed.

I cant get mine to load my borderlands 2 data from my gamer profile. it says an error occured. ā€œunable to load DLL ā€˜/LZO.dllā€™: The specified module could not be found (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007Eā€ anyone know what this means?

Now i need a turbo contoller for the a button. whew my hand hurts

Make sure you extract the LZO.dll from the rar archive. Also the .dll have to moved in the same folder where the .exe is.

I had 353% bonus stats as of that time.

Hi, is it working with savegames from PC? mfg

No, but i made an editor for the PC version:

You have to open the file ā€œprofile.binā€. All other features are the same like the GPD Editor.

Philymaster -

I keep getting a ā€œCorrupted Profileā€ error message. What am I doing wrong?

It is working. TYVM!!!


I had 353% bonus stats as of that time.

First, which editor you used PC or XBox?
Also could you send me the file you opened in the editor?