Borderlands 2 - GPD Editor v2.3.0.5

Has this been patched I keep getting an error " Unable to load DLL’/LZO.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

I too keep getting this message and horizon will only run in offline mode i have tried everything to get it working but i can’t can someone please help??


i have now managed to get Horizon working in full online mode but i still get this message when i try to open my borderlands save in the gpd editor Unable to load DLL’/LZO.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) can someone please help?

You don’t open your actual save with the GPD editor. You need to extract your gamer profile & the 5454087C.gpd that you find in the contents folder and you mod these with the GPD editor. Try this and post back.

I would love to see a editor that allows you to mod gun stats (:

Im having an issue in Borderlands 2 itself when I mod my gpd file. I maxed out all bonus stats and whenever it autosaves, the game freezes and I gotta restart my console. I am guessing the stats are a bit too high for it to be saves so I gotta put it down a lot, I’m guessing?

any idea why the download link to the GPD editor no longer works?

I just tried it and it’s working fine for me. If you can’t manage to get it to work and you want to PM me your email I can send it to you in a zip.

nevermind. It works. Mediafire was down. It’s back up

for some reason its not letting me open the gpd profile. any suggestions?

You need to open your extracted full profile first and then your BL2 gpd file.
If you’re new to the editor it can be tricky at first, just do what I said above and it should work.

This is very nice, will there be an eridium mod spot for it in the future?

Check the dates on this thread.

Also- Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 230) « Rick's Game Stuff

Help!! Can’t extract profile I need for gpd editor.

does this still work im new to mods and also will I get banned for using a game save

There’s always a chance of a ban when modding but those chances vary from game to game and what you’re modding.
What exactly are you trying to do/mod?

thank you for your reply man I really would like to mod my badass stats and learn how to use a game save

Where can I get a clean version that isn’t a virus?

The link given in the OP isn’t a virus my dude.