Borderlands 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

so this needs an update, while it still does work for some things, other things are broken, the infinite iridium and infinite money are swapped. the super loot rate is hit or miss, sometimes it crashes the game other times it doesnt. infinite grenades doesnt work and instant ability cooldown pretty much crashes 95% of the time and the one time it did work wouldnt let my abilities cooldowns refresh and got stuck at 99%


And One Hit Kills crashes in The Handsome Jackpot.

With a new game update coming, as they try to fix the game themselves and add more content/remove the Cartels, which is this next month in June… The trainer update might as well wait until then. That’s at least what I’m hoping from @MrAntiFun

Quite a few of the options crash the game. As you may be aware of. Not here to bitch, simply putting it out there. Super loot, Unlimited shield, No reload, No Weap Cooldown, just to give you an idea of some of the ones experienced a crash repeatedly with.

Thank you for the mod and all you do both MAF and the WeMod team. Looking forward to an update <3

Any word on when the trainer will be updated for the 6/11 patch?

How do we request an up date? Gearbox released a patch to day and the trainer no longer works.

This is another trainer where we’ve tested it and found it not working and have noted what cheats aren’t working and have added it to our “to-do” list :slightly_smiling_face:

Similar to this post here


So for me what I am experiencing is this, cheats F1-F8 turn on then automatically go back to off,F9-F11 work,any cheat the requires CTRL+ any F1-11 keys either crash the game or just turn on/off over and over until the game crashes. Increased inventory to 100 still works. Any cheats for max ammo/money/eridium/guardian tokens anything with a slider to increase/decrease works. Flight speed increase/decrease crashed game. Thats about all I ran into.


From cheats with slider working for me only guardian tokens (which is useless when you dont have completed story anyway…)

The cheat always turn off himself… why?

needs to be updated.


Welcome to the community @HolyZer00. :slight_smile:

Please make sure you read recent previous posts in threads before replying. Your question was answered just a couple of posts above yours here: Borderlands 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam.

Unfortunately it keeps telling me since the new updates on Steam, incompatible trainer… please advise?? Thanks!!
Edited… sorry, I just noticed the messages above and seen that it’s on the works… thanks!! Appreciate all you guys do!!!

@TiggerBear I didnt see any messages above that say its being fixed. Can you point me in the right direction?

how far down on the to-do list is it because its been about a month now that the trainer hasnt worked…

Hey Steezy,

its since the last update, the last update got released 6days ago on june 11th i think.

A bit more patience, seems borderlands isn’t current enough. :smiley:
Maybe a strict update schedule aswell.


Welcome to the community @SteezyKun. :slight_smile:

However, please do refrain from spreading false information. The trainer was working perfectly fine until the 11th June, which was 6 days ago, not a month ago. The trainer broke because the game was updated, not because of a WeMod issue.

A trainer developer will get to it when they are able. Bear in mind there are millions of games in existence, over 10,000 of which WeMod caters for. You’ll need to be patient. Maybe grab a freebie from the deals & giveaways section of the forum while you patiently wait? :wink:

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The Borderlands 3 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


does this automatically update or would I need to redownload the application?

Yes, the newest version is automatically downloaded.

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