ELDEN RING Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Will txt expenses be enough for by-pass? i did this i ran the game from exe but it didn’t work

When I rename the file start_protected_game.exe to something else and try to run the game from the exe in the folder, the game wont start as it says the start_protected_game.exe file is missing and to reinstall the game.

Hey there, I’ve been using Wemod for over a year now. I recently found the Elden Ring trainer and havent been able to use it once. I just followed the instructions, I type the everything as told and once I loaded up the game and got into the menu I started the trainer and it still couldnt find it. Please help me out.

Do the bypass only if necessary. Elden Ring trainer, for me, opens normally. The first time I tried was just by clicking “Play” through WeMod. Bypass is the exception to the rule.
Try to undone everything you did to bypass and open the game normally through WeMod app.

The app launches my game just fine like it did over the summer. The No Hit mod works fine, but the only one that I am interested in is the drop rate which is not working. Does anyone have a tip? Tested on the Magma Blade serpent guys with no luck

Magma Blade Serpent doesn’t have drop. Try the drophate in rats, if Rune Arcs drops fast it’s working.

Every time I hit play to load the code, it keeps telling me that there is an error immediately after I attempt it. I was assuming it was an outdated code thing that was the issue but after looking around it seems like it’s not. Can anyone help me figure out the issue?

NVM I’m incapable of following instructions correctly.

do you have to go offline on steam?

You will get flagged with the popup whether you are offline or online on steam. Elden Ring will not let you online when using mods without a workaround either

Actually you are saying something stupid. FromSoftware will not allows you to connect on their servers with a modded GAME, this is a fact, but you can go online with a modded SAVE without the mod activated. Elden Ring only tries to connect on FromSoftware servers at the main menu of the game, if you log in to the game, into your SAVE, START PLAYING and than turn Steam on, the server will be still disconnected but your STEAM will goes online.
The matter with Steam ON or OFF too is about the time the achievements will pop-up. If you are online on Steam, the achievement will pop-up in the exact time you got it. If you are offline on Steam, the achievement will only pop-up when you turn on Steam again (resulting in all achievements registered at the same time)!!

Only turn on steam when you are “in” the game, never in the main menu. Never return to the main menu with a modded game (opened through WeMod), just quit to windows and re-open it (through Steam) if you want to play online with your character.

My achievements:

I’m not able to turn on the mods. I’ve done everything that was suggested except for “steam_appid.txt” because I can’t seem to find it. I don’t have a cracked game. I was wondering if me starting the character “online” would effect it at all.

Elden rings new patched 1.08.1 wemod not workiing.

For me is working.

Hello and welcome to the community @livedie. :slight_smile:

Make sure you are following the instructions in the trainer correctly.

  1. Go to the folder where the game is installed on your PC. By default this is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GAME NAME. You should see the game’s .exe in there.

  2. Right-click a blank space in the folder. Choose “New”, then “Text Document”.

  3. Write 1245620 inside the text document.

  4. Save it with the name steam_appid.

  5. Launch the game through the game’s .exe, which is called eldenring.exe.

  6. Load your game. And only after the game has finished loading, press Alt and tab on yor keyboard together to switch to WeMod, then press the Play button. Then press the same keys again to switch back to the game.

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So where are the saves for this trainer, I am doing Seamless Co-op with my buddies and want to skip Godskin Duo, both of these seem to use different saves so how can I tell which is which?

Is it possible to remove crafting and upgrade requirements? I know I’ve seen you guys do it in Remnant: From The Ashes and it was so nice to have.

I open wemod and elden ring and when i click play it doesn’t work. Says it can’t load mods into game, I’ve tried offline mode then online mode and still nothing

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Can you do a custom exe, i want to use the ModEngine which is needed if you want to play with mods so EAC is disabled by default does the trainer still works if i use this exe ?