Kingdom Come: Deliverance Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
This is the official discussion topic of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Refill Health
3. Max Health
4. Health Damage Multiplier
5. Healing Item Effectiveness Multiplier
6. Unlimited Stamina
7. Refill Stamina
8. Stamina Consumption Multiplier
9. No Exhaustion
10. Unlimited Energy
11. Refill Energy
12. Max Energy
13. Energy Consumption Multiplier
14. Energy Gain Multiplier
15. Unlimited Food
16. Refill Food
17. Max Food
18. Hunger Multiplier
19. Eating Gain Multiplier
20. Unlimited Horse Stamina
21. Super Player Speed
22. Unlimited Items Durability
23. Unlimited Weight
24. Unlimited Money
25. Unlimited Items
26. Unlimited Perk Points
27. Mega Exp
28. Max Reputation
29. One-Hit Kills


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 02/17/2018
    Started development

  • 02/17/2018
    Released trainer with 8 cheats

  • 02/18/2018
    Unlimited Items cheat added
    Unlimited XP cheat added

  • 03/05/2018
    Perfect Reputation cheat added
    Easy Kills cheat added
    Never Injured cheat added
    Speed Modification cheat added

  • 07/02/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/13/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/14/2019
    No Injury cheat added
    Perfect Items Condition cheat added
    Max Reputation cheat added
    One-Hit Kills cheat added

  • 06/16/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 07/07/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 07/25/2019
    Unlimited Food cheat added
    Unlimited Horse Stamina cheat added
    Unlimited Weight cheat added
    Super Player Speed cheat added
    Unlimited Items Durability cheat added
    Mega Exp cheat added

  • 11/21/2019
    No Injury cheat added
    Unlimited Nourishment cheat added
    Zero Weight cheat added
    Perfect Items Condition cheat added
    Max Reputation cheat added
    Unlimited XP cheat added
    One-Hit Kills cheat added

  • 12/12/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/22/2024
    Unlimited Food cheat added
    Unlimited Horse Stamina cheat added
    Super Player Speed cheat added
    Unlimited Items Durability cheat added
    Unlimited Weight cheat added
    Mega Exp cheat added

  • 05/23/2024
    No Exhaustion cheat added

  • 02/07/2025
    Refill Health cheat added
    Max Health cheat added
    Health Damage Multiplier cheat added
    Healing Item Effectiveness Multiplier cheat added
    Refill Stamina cheat added
    Stamina Consumption Multiplier cheat added
    Refill Energy cheat added
    Max Energy cheat added
    Energy Consumption Multiplier cheat added
    Energy Gain Multiplier cheat added
    Refill Food cheat added
    Max Food cheat added
    Hunger Multiplier cheat added
    Eating Gain Multiplier cheat added

Like what you see?

Check out all of the games WeMod supports here.

The Kingdom Come: Deliverance cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 12 cheats

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Glad to see you here, high quality + high quality, i cant think of anything that could go wrong honestly.


Neither Unlimited Stamina nor Unlimited Horse Stamina seems to work for me. I am using the steam version by the way.

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The game has been updated again, the cheats don’t seem to work.


Ahhh another game update. Yes mr.antifun can update this on his way back around
But you can vote in the app it let’s us know what games need the most attention thanks !

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Cheats seem to work perfectly fine, Are you using it on steam release ?.

unlimited health not work after new patch 1.9.3 :frowning:

can you make this trainer for windows store pls (game pass)

Please make this work for windows (Xbox Game Pass)

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Will need to vote in the wemod app for a different trainer. :+1:

The “Max Reputation” cheat that is not working under any circumstance i tried. Including waiting, sleeping, save/reloading- uninstalling all mods etc etc. Literally not working. However some of the ingame NPCs do seem to greet you as if you had 100 faction reputation- but in practise there is no change and your character sheet also is not properly affected.

PS: A slider for this to set a specific value instead of 100 would be nice as well.


it works

Steam hacks are doesnt work well, it causes surfeit and drunkness in game. And steam version doesnt has movement speed option. Please fix them. Thank you mrantifun!!


The game is listed as not compatible with the steam version of the game, yet it has no option to vote for it to be updated??


Game don’t works for the Steam version

Can you make an update ? :slight_smile:

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My game (just bought the steam version) is working fine with the cheats. I did buy the Royal edition if that makes a difference.

Maybe all aren’t working? I haven’t tested them all yet, but money, nourishment, health, stamina and weight are working so far

It did come up saying not compatible, but I searched for the game from the list on wemod and hit play.

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Yeah the energy and Stamina cheats work despite the game considered “Not compatable”

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What about the “Perfect Item Condition” option?

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Hey MAF, any chance we could get this put in the update queue? I’d love to drop some boosts on it!
