This info? Tpp_steam_mst_en_day400Mgo_patch_1021_1853_
And what is the game version in the game menu?
Ver: 1.10.
Please help when I try to activate unlimited gadgets It does not work please help. Thank you
actually now it all just isnt working
the first time I opened the game They worked but not now please help
You have to give us more info.
Are the game from steam or cracked?
Do you get any errors?
Have you tried to run it as administrator both game and infinity?
Could you try to clear your cache?
Deleting files inside AppData\Roaming\Infinity\CACHE
The game is from steam and now it seems that only the unlimited gadgets does not work I have no other mods installed. I have not tried deleting files but even if I did I would not know what to delete. If you need more info I can try to provide.
Thank you
What i was talking about earlier is clearing the cache of Infinity.
For a fast explanation, this isnt fully right but the cache is temporary files that we can delete.
It serve a bigger purpose, but thats the short version.
Its all files within C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Infinity\CACHE
But i doubt that would work, since i misunderstood your earlier messages. Either way, it woulnt hurt you to delete it.
Could you also check the in the tool if there is some important notes you have missed. Im not on my computer now so i cant check for you if there is notes.
If there is, on the bot page should be a button with the letter “i” on. Click that to see if you missed something?
I will try deleting the files in the cache thank you and there is no “i” on the tool
Then its probably no important notes. Im done at work so i can test it when i get home.
If not maybe the dev can step in. Think its @unknown_v2 ?
Thank you I will message the dev.
No need. I mentioned him here so he will gome to us when he is on
thank you
infinite resources no longer works, theres a glitch with infinite health where if you get shot enough, or fall off a tall enough place, the death scream will play and you will be stuck on the ground proning unable to move or do anything accept press escape, infinite ammo and infinite suppressors seem to do the same thing, except infinite ammo doesnt give infinite suppressors, i cant tell if no recoil does anything at all other then that its all good i think, also add something for quiets health please
Infinite resources still isn’t working. Any update from the developer or staff? Seems This trainer has been abandoned even though it has errors.
@unknown_v2, could you have a check.
The trainer isn’t abandoned, but it’s not always easy to reproduce problems other people have.
Totally didn’t mean it to sound like that. Just hadn’t seen you post a lot recently. I think there was an issue my end and it worked after I restarted the trainer a few times. Great work on the trainer it’s fantastic, although I don’t think the plant resources become unlimited.
is a super stealth mode possible?