Middle-earth: Shadow of War Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Middle-earth: Shadow of War
This is the official discussion topic of the Middle-earth: Shadow of War Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Focus
3. Unlimited Might
4. Unlimited Elven Rage
5. Unlimited Elven Rage Duration
6. Ghost Mode
7. Add 5K Silver Coins
8. Unlock Skills
9. Add 10 Skill Points
10. Mega XP
11. Unlimited Arrows
12. One-Hit Kills
13. Unlimited Timer


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 10/10/2017
    Started development

  • 10/10/2017
    Released trainer with 4 cheats

  • 10/10/2017
    Unlimited Might cheat added
    Unlimited Skill Points cheat added

  • 10/11/2017
    Easy Kills cheat added
    Instant Elven Rage cheat added
    Add Experience Points cheat added

  • 10/11/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 10/12/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

  • 10/13/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 10/13/2017
    Unlimited Coins cheat added

  • 10/14/2017
    No Skill Cooldown cheat added
    Unlimited Timer cheat added

  • 10/23/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 10/25/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 11/04/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 11/22/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 11/27/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 12/03/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 12/19/2017
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 01/06/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/08/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/22/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/16/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/17/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 08/09/2018
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 07/23/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 08/09/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

  • 08/09/2019
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

  • 10/11/2019
    Unlimited Elven Rage cheat added
    Unlimited Elven Rage Duration cheat added
    Add 5K Silver Coins cheat added
    Unlock Skills cheat added
    Add 10 Skill Points cheat added
    Mega XP cheat added
    One-Hit Kills cheat added
    Updated notes

  • 03/20/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 03/30/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 01/22/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 01/26/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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The Middle-earth: Shadow of War cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 13 cheats

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Game crashes everytime i use any trainer’s options. Trainer by STN works well. Game launches from steam

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same. Crashing with the steam version

Hai! When using this trainer im losing automaticly health and when having on one some of the cheats and one of my followers is fighting the pit he loses all his levels to level 5 for some reason why?

Hi, im using it with steam version and it works perfect for me, even better than the other version on WeMod. Thanks for that, finally a working health cheat ^^

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thanks for letting us know helps out a lot

This trainer causes the steam version of the game to crash constantly, when trying to add silver or exp.

Hey i cant seem to get either skill point cheats to work. any info on how to get it to work?

follow up, the add 10 skill points cheat instead gives you the ability to unlock skills at a low level, but still doesnt give the points required to unlock them

okay i dont know if i was meant to know this before hand but the add 10 points cheat does work, but it changes the amount of points you get when you next get a skill point legit, at least i think, im very confused now.

My game crashes every time i use any cheat except for health, ammo or might.

Can you add an option for unlimited gold coins for the DLC?

Unlimited timer cheat causes instant CTD.

Dumb question. Does this work with the definitive edition, which has the DLCs added or do you have to get the base game only?

I would imagine it would be for the base / vanilla version lotta times dlc’s and definitive version sometimes change the coding
If you have the definitive version can give it a shot and let us know! ?
Maybe start it first from steam then alt tab press play in wemod after

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I have all the DLC and the Unlimited Focus cheat causes me to crash more often than not. It seems to drain all of the focus and not replenish, and then if I turn the cheat off it will crash as soon as the focus would restore.

The cheats will randomly stop working. For example I’ll activate unlimited arrows and the cheat will just stop after a bit. Like 5 minutes. I’ll see 99/6 arrows but the game will tell me get more arrows. If I try to turn the cheat off and on again, the wemod client won’t turn it on again. Sometimes after I try and turn a cheat on after it stops, my game will crash when I fast travel. I have the definitive ver on steam so I don’t know if that is what is causing the issues, either way the trainer isn’t usable right now.

Yep after more testing, enabling cheats like unlimited heath causes a full game crash.

The cheat “unlock skills” automatically turns off, and won’t stay on. (I’m playing the Definitive Edition, btw.)

@STiNGERR Hi, I been using this Mod and it only has a few functional features such as Unlimited Health and Unlimited Might. The rest seem to crash the game on command or passively turn on and off with no functionality. Wondering if there would be an update that would stabilize this Mod for most of us still playing this. I would love the Silver Coin function to work among others. I know that you are busy, but I would greatly appreciate it, as I am sure the other individuals who also play it would appreciate it.

I use the Steam Version Definitive Edition or whatever the one is that packages all the DLC together. Hope to hear back from you or any moderator on seeing a nearby future fix! Thanks!