Phasmophobia Cheats and Trainer for Steam

needs to be updated, the game updates and wemod lags behind, breaking some mods, just have to wait till they update it

jeezā€¦ feels like itā€™s been a while since the last update

The Phasmophobia cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Ya. Some people think that this is the only game that gets worked on and that MrAntiFun only should pay attention to this game and ignore the other 400 or so that he works on.


yep, seems since the patch the ghost type and fav room are not working again.

Restarted app and it works, mybad

Thank yall

What patch? That last patch was last week and the trainer was updated to support it.

Not sure if its been discussed yet, but I tried to use wemod while playing the game in VR. It didnā€™t work at all, is it not designed to work with VR? Thanks!

does anyone else have the issue where the end haunt option causes the ghost to freeze, thatā€™s all it does for me lol I have to leave the game or play with a cursed object to fix it. it would be cool if the force haunt option came back as well, i loaded the older version that had both force and stop options and those work but nothing else lol

The trainer isnā€™t designed to work with the VR version of the game. WeMod does not support VR games (or versions of games) at this time, but they may look into it in future if itā€™s possible.

Ah OK thanks

Somehow my money cheat dont work
I need suggestion

I would like the esp of the ghost and items for a complete match


Are you buying or selling anything once you activated the cheat?

I just tried to play Phasmophobia using this Trainer on 1-5-2022. I have never had a problem using this trainer before, but when I tried to play just a few minutes ago, the ā€œDisable Ghostā€ feature was not working correctly. It DID keep the ghost from being able to kill me, but it did not stop it from spawning and hunting me. I could not get out of the house because it was in hunt mode and it would run up to where I was and stand right at my location like it knew I was there, but then it could not touch me or kill me. And nomatter where I went in the house, it would not stop hunting. I finally had to turn off the ā€œDisable Ghostā€ option and then it could kill me.


i suggest adding a cheat which forces the ghost to hunt once its activated. id be thankful if you added it


Can we get an og cheat were we add money to our stats, im -17k and im not trying to grind that. i cant buy items obviously because im in the negativeā€¦

maybe add a cheat where you can ressurect all the players, and i was wondering if you could teach me how to make cheats, the basics

The Phasmophobia cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Hey, i didnā€™t see the force hunt cheat for some time, it is some compatibility problem with it?


Need these toooooooooo