Subnautica Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Does not work: Unlimited Oxygen, Water, Food and Easy Construction. The game crashes when I activate them.


Bug report / incompatility:
. Unlimited Health
. Unlimited Oxygen
. Unlimited Water
. Unlimited Food
. Super Swimming
All refuse to turn on, only turning off if you try to activate them.

If you don’t want your game breaking through a ingame glitch, use LEGACY edition in the betas.
Remember the original version is highly unstable if you don’t activate LEGACY because of sheer neglect of the game.

@MrAntiFun Sorry to trouble you, but can you please look at this trainer and see if it needs an update so that it works with the latest game update version that added pieces from Below Zero? (March-2023 71288 is the version listed in the top right corner of the main menu.)

I created a brand new game and played for 6 hours without issue with the cheats. Now, when I went back into the game this morning the second I activate - the health bar drops to zero and the game crashes to the desktop. Doesn’t matter if I fully load in the game then activate cheats or if I run the game via the Play button on the trainer - crashes every time.

Edit: Okay, I am playing in the Freedom game mode that takes away the food/water requirement. When I loaded my save game with those cheats enabled - it kept crashing. When I turned them off and only using health/O2/Battery and seems to be running okay for now. I’ve been jumping in and out of my base without issue or crash - yet. I haven’t used the super swim cause that sent me into orbit. Don’t know if that means anything.

Thanks for your hard work.

Every time i tried to activate these cheats my game close, probabily need a update for the new version (steam deck verified) on the steam

Hey guys! Appears the Subnautica Devs are on to your cheats… ingenuis actually, they changed the code to where the cheats actually DO HARM… no Hippocratic oath here…

any chance someone could peak in??

As someone who works in game development, I can tell you that this makes absolutely no sense.
Game developers do not care how you play the game solo in single-player sessions, because you’re only changing the experience of the game for yourself.

It only bothers game developers when people try to cheat online and ruin the experience for their other paying customers.

Subnautica are not deliberately trying to kill off trainers from working in their game.

They even have built-in cheats: Subnautica - Console Command Cheats. So they’re clearly not anti-cheat developers. :slight_smile:

The trainer is just quite old now and most of the playerbase has moved onto other games. Because, let’s be honest, this is an amazing game but once you’ve played Subnautica once or twice there isn’t really any more great replay value, is there? Because everything has already been seen and done. Unfortunately.

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Well, after several times of booting up the game and then initiating the trainer perfectly, I also ended up running into the situation of the game automatically closing itself every time now.

However, I did manage to fix it for the time being by verifying the game’s files though. So if anyone else is also having this issue, try to verify your game files and see if that’ll allow you to use the trainer again.

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Hey there! Love your work, just wanna say that upfront.

I have a personal request, and I only ask because I don’t seem to have the option for the built-in cheats.

Could there be any work towards vehicle health cheats? Or simply just vehicular invincibility? My play style causes me to take damage to whatever I’m piloting, even the drones take damage :sweat_smile: . Mostly it’s the creatures attacking me.

Thank you for the great work so far!


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Mods are broken. Frequently they set the health, food, and water to 1 instead.
Edit: Game also crashes immediately upon activating a cheat. Random when it happens. Can’t tell if its related to “how much oxygen, life, food, water” is actually there when you activate or not…

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It doesn’t work at all for me. Game runs horribly and crashes within a few minutes.

some cheats work (easy crafting), some as long as you not take a tool in your hands (o2, water, food, speed,…). I got crashes with battery life and construction quite easy. Maybe someone can have a look into this? Thanks!

Yes please. I would love vehicle invincibility cheats. I hate it when my cyclops gets destroyed :frowning:

Just got back into playing Subnautica again. However, the cheat tables cause the game to crash immediately. Just to be clear, they worked fine just a few months ago.

Trainer is not working with the latest build. Unlimited Health won’t stay on, and toggling it instantly reduces your life to 1. Unlimited Food does the same instant drop to 1.

The Easy Crafting isn’t turning on. I’ve tried binding other keys, but no luck.

Have you tried the FastBuild and NoCost console commands as an alternative in the meantime? :slight_smile:
:point_right: Subnautica - Console Command Cheats

the mods that are not working are as follows

  1. Unlimited health
  2. Unlimited o2 (crash’s game when i turn it on)
    3 )Super swimming speed

other mods have not tested so as far as i know they work
they stopped working 4 to 5 days ago i have been checking to see if the mods have any update’s
but find none for them any ideas and is anyone else having the same issues?

also just so you know i have lost at least 2 to 3 hrs worth of game play as the game did not have time to save apon crash

need a code for all items tiered of looking for scans

maybe a code for item finding

appears the value the ‘trainer’ subs in is either invalid or affects more bits/bytes than necessary, invalidating the save, which is a shame… works fine for first experience, but save, even with the values/bits/bobs disabled again, will cause next load of save to crash faster than the Aurora {game reference to show}…

can we provide save files or other info? really don’t want to use console commands, but will if no other option… seems a shame… addresses can be found, is it preventative code at work IN the game???

let us know, we’ll help contribute any way we can… mainly concerned about health and/or oxygen, both seem to get set to some invalid range, health on load appears as -1 on loading and dying, and oxygen, once you upgrade the tank, becomes invalid as well…

WeMod doesn’t modify game saves.