Tested Trainers

Infinity 2.0 uses a new assembler which went through a lot of testing in alpha stages but we couldn’t obviously catch all bugs that can happen. Now that 2.0 is public, we expect there to be bugs everywhere!. Don’t fret, all of them will be caught and fixed as soon as we learn about them.

I am making this thread to post a list of trainers that i know work fine, trainers that have assembler bugs etc.

Tested and Working

All trainers should work now!

NOTE: I didn’t code the assembler, @unknown_v2 did so only he can fix assembler bugs. I can only fix trainer bugs for trainers that belong to me. frank fixes infinity bugs that aren’t trainer or assembler bugs.



How do you guys fix this with a trainer update
new version of infinity what do we need to do
and when do you think mafia 3 is fixed

BTW: there is a option in the mafia 3 trainer dont know which its reset the money of the rackets to 0 so you lose all your alibity’s

I am working on mafia 3 right now.


I found the bug its unlimited electronics
this function cause to reset all your racket/assets stats or how you call them

Just trying to help out :wink:

HI …Dark souls 2 dont work with infinity 2.0 and said infinity failed to initialize the cheats…but mass effect 3 work … :confused:


Have a little bit patience
It will be fixed soon :wink:

@unknown_v2 Assembler bug I guess (Civ V)

thierry and me are working on mafia 3 now, all the assembler bugs are being fixed for it.

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now i see something …when i open mass effect 3 with hitting start and the game open after i see infinity and say end game but dark souls 2 when i hitting start game is open but after dont operate cheat and continue to say start :confused:
(sorry for my english )

Dying light:

The add ammo function does not work for infinity 2.0.

the ones ive gotten to work were: infinite health, unlimited throwables, unlimited durability, uv flashlight, grappling hook, unlimited items, free crafting, one hit kills, unlimited stamina,m easy lock pick.

the ones i could not get to work were: max survivivor level XP, max agility level xp, max power level xp, max driver level xp, add ammo, max legend level xp, switch to day/night.

to me the most important one to fix is the add ammo one, and where it works with arrows aswell as other types of ammo. (right now doestn work at all in infinity 2.0, in 1.0 it worked with the gun ammos but not arrows.

please fix this if you can, ive asked about it before, and it shouldnt be too complicated seeing as its worked before in 1.0

i play this game a lot, and it would be awesome not having to go back to 1.0 every time i want to play this game.

if i forgot anything please let me know.

Can you try again? We release an updated yesterday late that should fix your ammo issue.

ill give it a shot a bit later today :slight_smile:

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TW Rome 2 trainer crashes my game when i press add money, not sure on any of the other functions, will have to test.

Also borderlands 2 trainer to add eridium doesn’t add 10 but it adds 10 cash instead, i posted this in borderlands 2 trainer last week.

Tested other functions, seems a bunch of them crash the game soon as u press them.

Youtubers Life are also not working. Game Crash after using any of those cheats.

When do you think Deus Ex: Mankind Divided assembler will be fixed? :sweat_smile:

Hi there, i’m having problems with Dishonored (V1.0 i think) it’s unstable, sometimes when i activate the ‘Unlimited Health’’ and the’‘Unlimited Mana’’ cheat and then try to add 1 more, the game chrashes.

It does still work when i slowly activate them 1 by 1 from the first to the last cheat, but the cheats are still unstable.

If it helps, here are my specs: (sorry if provided links lead to a non-english site)
and i have an Intel I5-4570 @3.2Ghz

the app itself does not work it keeps saying error code:3 and i cant do anything

Same here man! :frowning:
