Welcome to XboxMB v2!

I’ll be honest.

First opinion I don’t like it. But it looks fresher and once I get used to it I’m sure i will come round

The mobile version sucks balls though

Looks beautiful.

Amazing work guys and girls who worked on it.

Pls put the latest horizon version on the download page :smiley:

Looks ***y

Getting used to the new logo might take awhile though.

edit: Seems as though this will bring new life to the forums.

My eyes!!! Could of had a warning! had to turn down brightness wasn’t expecting this lol. But anyways looks like a nice refresh and some what cleaner! Nice work guys who worked on it!

Looks so ***y now :smile:

theres a mobile version?! eventually!

Edit: O_o is there no auto resize anymore?!
anyway; http://i.imgur.com/oMvCcZk.png
Well well well.

Nice update.

Looks beautiful. The badges will be missed.

Very nice took awhile but nice.

This is a great new theme, solid.

The layout looks a lot cleaner, im going to miss the old one though

When I first logged on today I had to look twice because I thought I was on the wrong website. Then I realized what happened lol, but I like the new look :smile:

New site layout?!?

I had no idea!

The layout looks nice and clean, and the change is a breath of fresh air. One thing I don’t like is the removal of badges but I guess it can’t please me in everything.

I really like this new theme, glad the site was updated!

But, I do wish there were badges, seems a bit odd without them.

Do you plan on adding them back?

Also, would be cool to have Post Count back instead of it being Thanks. idk if this was said before, too lazy to read through the entire thread.

Cheater & Chris have answered both of those questions.

Snazzy. I like it. Good on you for removing post count as well. Now if anyone like Pavman comes all they have to worry about is buying thanks!

Things I like even more about this forum now is these:
-No post count
-Newer look
-Capable of changing username (diamond feature for those who don’t know)
-Anytime you are typing and need to take a break from the keyboard it’ll save your stuff just in case something happens and your browser closes on you.
-100000000% FASTER

  • If anyone gets bans now their name is lined out!

Cheater912 and everyone else that has taken part in this newer and cleaner design… Props to you ALL.

I like it, a lot more bright and clean.