Welcome to XboxMB v2!

I presonally dont like sites to have too many groups, and exclusive groups are for exclusive people.

XboxMB definitely got a sharp and beautiful upgrade. Will be exciting to look forward to v4 and the upcoming uptades. Keep on!

Love the new xmb look… Good job every one who made it…

And like that there is a mobile version… Even though there is alot of sub forums

Love it so much cleaner and not such an eye gasm

Anyone else have faster browsing with the site like this?

Not change, but rather progression and evolution; the next chapter if you will.
There’s some awesome new features too, I myself really like the new news format.
Overall the site looks awesome and is very pleasing to browse on, hope everyone enjoys it and makes the most of it.

Now all we need is that midget section, here’s looking at you Chris.

New server: 4x200GB RAID10 SSDs :smile:

It looks good. I think I will miss the old design though. You can’t see your posts or badges anymore? Or is this because I’m on my phone.

He said no more badges :anguished:
Text makes it cleaner but i will also miss them and idk about posts i cant see them either

Thank you based staff

Holy smokes…


No wonder why my **** is so fast.

IK dude its awesome

I hope the new Horizon comes out soon following these updates!

I’m liking the new design about time we got something new.

I like the new design. Great work!

Not a fan of the design, to bright for my eyes @_@, ability to change it to old one/darker one of this would be amazing.

dang it… didn’t mean to thank you for this meant to reply… I don’t have no issue with it being white… looks better.

It’s not that bright… it looks a lot better white.

100 percent yes

The website looks fantastic!!